Guys just picked up a 629-5 Mountain Gun in .44 Mag. I shot a box of Fiocchi 240gr FP's from it and the recoil is not near as bad as I had heard. I can reload and would like to load for the .44. I have H110 and 2400 on hand and can probably pick up anything else needed, I like 2400 better from the .357. I was thinking of running some cast bullets for hunting. It shoots real good, especially since I am not real good with a pistol. What would you guys recommend shooting? I do not care to have big rip roaring snorting loads, my shots will be a max of 75 and in all honesty, I would be much more comfortable under 50yds. I know it will not handle Ruger loads, and I am fine with that.
Also, I would like to find a new front sight, I am not a fan of black on black sights. Who makes a good fiber optic or tritium front for a 629-5?