Graybeard, as soon as I heard this story, I thought the same as you reflected...WHAT IF, they are experimenting with The Plague, with the thought of infecting "suicide carriers"? Put them on international flights, and with the closed (recycled) air systems planes have, everyone would be factor in connecting flights and crowded airports, 10 volunteers on different flights, 200 people on each flight=2000 infected. If half ( 1000 ) take addtional, connecting flights, then 1000 infected X 200 per plane =200,000 exposed, plus those in airports, and in 24 hours, with the "suicide carriers" taking additional flights ( as many as possible, for max effect..after all, the same scum used airline schedules to arrange 9-11 ). it would be easy to see several million affected/infected. And those numbers are conservative. How about 50 "suicide carriers" on different, short flights, with maybe 5 connecting flights in a 24 hour "window", and maybe visits to crowded malls,= many millions.
Heck, IF the plan is in effect, how about flights RIGHT NOW to the Presidential Innaugeration, mingle amoung the crowd, with all the flights those folks represent, and maybe 20 million could be exposed!
Not that big a stretch of the immagination, really.
Or, down the road, exposed carriers going to Pro-sport games, on one weekend, think of the numbers!