Thank you for all your replies. The better half and I were just a little worried about the guns left partly loaded.
There is no small kids around, we're an older couple with the kids grown and gone. Thank you for your suggestions for 1911's and pump shotguns, but for various reasons we'll stick with our .22's. It's what we're used to, what we grew up with. Money was always a little short, and the .22 was the only gun we could shoot a lot of. My wife has her K22 S&W that her father gave her for HS graduation, and I have my old Ruger standard model I bought for 39.95 new, way back then. Our kids all learned to shoot on these guns, and I met my wife on a public range 38 years ago, when I saw her shooting her K22.
Now my left hand is about 50% usable because of some issues with both arthritis and a tendon problem, and my wife has rumitoid arthritis and is on meds to help control it. So 1911's are out. It's no fun to shoot something that hurts you, or even have trouble racking the slide. But we shoot at least a brick of Federal Bulk box of .22's a week, and have a ball. Being retired, we love to go to the range at least once a week, sometimes twice in warmer weather. There's just no way we could shoot anything as much as our .22 rifles and handguns. And if something should go bump in the night, it may be better for us to grab a gun we were only shooting 48 hours before. Lets say we have extreme familiarness with what we have. We've been shooting some of the same guns for 40 years.
The original post came up as my wife asked me about the spring issue, and why we were leaving the tube magazines a few rounds short. I was worried about the pressure of a fully loaded mag on the spring.
I figure an intruder will have both of us to deal with. We'll get by with our .22's.