OK, here's my 2 cents worth on PA deer hunting. Back in the early 80's, While living in CT, a bunch of us went to PA to try the deer hunting. Went to Potter county, state forest. Compared to Maine, our usual destination, there were deer everywere. All small in size, lots of bucks, all with small "racks". 5 out of the 6 of us shot bucks, the biggest being a fork horn. I'll bet none weighed over 125 lbs.
Fast forward to today. I have lived in PA now for about 15 years. A couple things stand out. There are less deer now in the traditional big woods areas, such as Potter, Mckean. A lot less in some areas. Now days, when you see a buck, its going to have a decent rack. The antler restriction (3 points on one side, minimum, a few areas 4) has resulted in some nice bucks in areas it was rare to ever see anything with much more then spikes. Bucks just plain get to live longer.
A lot more does are being taken, do to the extended doe season, the large number of doe tags, and the fact that there are fewer legal bucks. The game commission didn't have a lot of choice about increasing the doe kill. A lot of hunters in this state hunt for meat, to feed the family. Guys who shot spikes, who where not much interested in antlers, now shoot does.
Deer populations are low in hard hit state game lands / state forests. They are high in private land in farm country (hard to get permission to hunt if you are not family) and in public land around major cities like Philly, where much hunting is restricted to archery.
Over all, while it was great to have the deer numbers like it was in the late 70's, early 80's, it was artificial, and was a disaster waiting to happen. The system in place here now is not perfect, and needs some fine tuning, but on the whole, the quality of the buck population, and the health and size of deer in general has improved. Hunters are learning you can't stock pile deer, and it is ok to take a certain number of does each season.
Hunting is not guaranteed, but my experience in this state is if you spend some time in the woods, are a little flexible, and able to hunt a few different areas, and have a rough idea of what you are doing, you will see deer. I hunt centrel PA on public land, and have a pretty tight work schedule. Not a lot of time to be in the woods sometimes, but I usually get my buck, using a handgun.