"So keeping Gitmo going is more important to you than the fact that Bush turned hundreds of terrorists loose. Very strange reasoning that is peculiar to those who get all their news from Hannity and Limbaugh."
"Many of these released terrorists were later killed or captured while fighting US troops. BTW: 911 happened on the watch of Wya Bush"
Well here is the way I look at it...and I'm not a real big Bush fan either.
There will be another Gitmo to house the people there...it was not thought through very well to close it with no plans on what to do with the dangerous people there. (Obama has stated there are very dangerous people there now, so he does know this)
As far as 1911 happening while Bush was president...that's kind of a loaded thing to say since the trade center had been attacked before...and they were already in our country training for this under another president....so therefore I'd logically have to say being attacked has nothing do with with any president or person, I'd have to say being attacked like that would be the fault of the attackers? Or do we blame Pear Harbor on the sitting president at that time as well? Kind of weird blaming any attack on us or any president. You could reasonably say our intelligence suffered well before Bush was in office.
Regardless if we agree with Gitmo or not....there will be another one after this one shuts down anyways. The thing that bothers me most now is if we were to catch another terrorist right now...we'd have to give him a smoke and let him go, cause there is no way to deal with them until something else is written I guess. Making quick decisions without thinking them through is the sign of a young pup...regardless of what happened or what we think of what is in place or right or wrong. Hope he starts thinking more...but I just read the paper this morning and it seems he decided to send our tax dollars across the ocean to help other countries have abortions now too...signed into law. Thought we were broke...LOL! Well...get used to a lot of things happening with no thought behind them....it's going to be rough for a while now. Hey, maybe we can print and borrow more money for international abortions....ya, that will work! We can call it international abortion bail out plan!