i have $300.00 to spend on a handgun and i like revolvers over semi-auto's, so here is my choices. i went to my local gun shop, he has a new rossi 971 in 357, a new charter arms undercover in 38spl. or a used s&w model 36 in 38spl. the rossi and charter are new, the smith is used but in great shape i'd guess about 90-95% in blueing, it works great and locks up tight, it has a 3 inch barrel and a square butt. the dealer said it was made before 1990 because they stopped making square butt revolvers in 1990. so which gun would you buy? i'm looking to carry on my side when i'm on the farm, and to keep as a home gun. oh i forgot to tell ya'll the dealer said he would take $300 for either otd.