Seems to me that we're not thinking straight. They can make all the laws they wish... but getting us to OBEY those laws is another matter completely !~!~!
Just as Prohibition didn't work because the vast majority of the American People didn't want it, neither will anti-gun laws work.
When the politicians get serious, they'll pass laws calling for the registration of, first, handguns... then, eventually, registration of ALL guns. Then, like Hitler's and Stalin's government, once they "know" who has the guns (via registration lists), registration will eventually lead to confiscation (using the registration lists to find all the guns) and an outright BAN on ALL guns in the hands of private citizens.
Some "talk" brave... but when that time comes, we'll have to do more than "talk brave", we'll have to BE "brave" and resist registration/confiscation with the same vigor and force as the goverment's agents will use to try to take our guns away from us.
I don't look forward to this, but I fear this is how it shall be. Meanwhile, we must do all we can to keep the "registration bullies" from accomplishing their goals.
Talk up joining the NRA among your friends and relatives... because we'll do much better resisting any governmental inference with our RIGHT to "keep and bear arms" if we're ORGANIZED... and whether you like it or not, the NRA is our single BEST hope to be "organized" and have a SINGLE VOICE in the ears of our Congressional Representatives, our Senators and the President.
If they don't listen... or WON'T listen... then the time to "be brave" will have come upon us.
As for me, I shall resist all efforts by any governmental agency or their representives to confiscate or otherwise take away my firearms with the SAME vigor and determination as those agents intend to use to attempt to take my firearms... or to put me in jail or prison for not obeying the law to register my firearms (which I also refuse to do).
The "line" is drawn in the sand... and I am serious. As a former U.S. Army officer, I took an oath as an Officer and a Gentleman (by an act of Congress) that I would "defend the United States of American and its Constitution against all enemies, foreign or DOMESTIC"... and I have never disavoweled that oath!!! It is still in force, even 50 years after I gave it.
There is NO "time-limit" on my oath... and only my death will stop me from doing as I took an oath to do... i.e., defend my Country and it's Constitution against ALL enemies... foreign or DOMESTIC... "DOMESTIC" meaning all levels of government (township, city, county, state or federal) and their agents.
I sincerely hope this never becomes necessary. I hope our legislators adhere to their Oath of Office which is worded much the same as the oath I took in June of 1958... and that our legislators and law-makers and our President recognize and obey the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution.
Otherwise, there will surely be ANOTHER Civil War in the United States of America.
Strength & Honor...
Ron T.