Hello All,
We can talk all we want about Capicity Utilization, Inflation Rate, Federal Reserve, Etc. Etc. but the whole things boils down to $$$$$. Who really runs this country....Two political parties, that's who. And where do they get the wherewithall to run the country ($$$$$) ...from PAC lobbies. If you have enough $$$ to buy enough elections for your primary (Vote my way) congressmen or senators, you get what you want. Our government is so screwed up at this point (both parties) that the only solution is to get back to the basics, the Constutution, The Bill of Rights, and The Declaration of Independence. I think The Decleration of Independence would apply again today. Tea-Parties are not Tea-Parties, they are American Citizens telling Washington to clean up your act or else.........Egypt, Yemen, Libya.....