Come see the Child, born this night
Who's living in a manger,
Cold and hungry, weak and poor,
He's to this world a stranger.
This Child lying quietly
Is truly King of nations,
For though He gurgles softly now,
He'll be the world's salvation.
Angels, kings and shepherds, too,
Will come to see this Babe,
For they all had the foresight
To know the world He'd save.
The Little Drummer Boy once said,
"I'd like to play my drum."
This Babe will later say to elders,
"Let the children come."
The Child in the warm sweet hay
His little face so bright,
Will later try to teach the world
What's good and kind and right.
In a darkened stable
On a winter morn,
The Light of Worlds, The King of Kings,
-Ann Marie Delpha