Author Topic: Load data 243 winchester and speer bullets  (Read 1565 times)

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Load data 243 winchester and speer bullets
« on: January 30, 2009, 03:35:52 PM »
I have a 10 edition speer book from the early 80's and it has a few listing on the 105 SP bullet :I wonder if the load table in this book are for the hotcore bullets.
I would like to try some IMR 4895 which I have on hand but can't find any data on this powder.
I wonder if any one has a later edition reloading book that may have a listing for IMR 4895 and the speer 105 GS Bullets also the C.O.A.L.
I tried some IMR 4831 and I can say the gun gave a shotgun pattern
I had a buddie load me some 85 grain SP with IMR4064 I shot this past summer and all I could say man 5 shots in one hole at 75 yards.

Offline wncchester

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Re: Load data 243 winchester and speer bullets
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2009, 03:53:44 AM »
4895 is a tad fast for that bullet weight in that cartridge.  Either 4350 or 4831 or 7828 should do quite well.  I would start with 4350 but try 4831 some more.   (A single tested charge of any powder proves nothing about its potential.)

Speer #11 shows max loads for their 105 bullets as:

45/7828 = 2690 fps
44/4831 = 2970
42/4350 = 2995

OAL would, of course, be determened by your rifle.
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Re: Load data 243 winchester and speer bullets
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2009, 05:41:43 AM »
Page 174 from the Speer Manual# 13
Listing is for the 100 gr. GS and 105 gr. Spitzer

   MAX loads
   H-4350.......42.0  compressed load    2869 fps
  AA3100        44.0  compressed load    2839 fps
 IMR7828        43.0                            2771 fps
   N-160          40.0                           2739 fps
  RE-19           41.0                           2731 fps

There are more powders listed. All of them produce lower velocities then those above.
NOTE neither 4895 brand powders are on the list.

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Offline Siskiyou

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Re: Load data 243 winchester and speer bullets
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2009, 07:07:23 AM »
I have a 10 edition Speer book from the early 80's and it has a few listing on the 105 SP bullet :I wonder if the load table in this book are for the hotcore bullets.
I would like to try some IMR 4895 which I have on hand but can't find any data on this powder.
I wonder if any one has a later edition reloading book that may have a listing for IMR 4895 and the Speer 105 GS Bullets also the C.O.A.L.

I have been loading Speer bullets for years and I have not seen where Speer has used different data between the Grand Slam bullets and the Hotcores, unless there is a difference in bullet weight.

I checked a number of manuals for loads for the 105 grain .243 bullet using IMR4895.  The now denounced #7 manual has data but I would be cannibalized if I quoted it.  I have tried a number of slower burning powders with 100 and 105 grain bullets in the .243 Winchester: H4831, IMR4350, WW785, and WMR.  I think IMR4350 and WW785 held a slight edge when it came to accuracy. I am writing about dime size groups versus quarter size groups.

I am surprised the IMR4831 did not work for you.  I would check the rifle for other issues before giving up.  I have a Remington 788 package gun what I paid $129 for new.  There is not a factory load or handload the rifle does not like. 

Many years ago a young relative was shooting deer with Speer 80-grain bullets, pushed by a maximum charge of surplus 4895.  He was blowing big holes in deer with it, but he told me a while back that based on today's manuals his load was to hot. 

I believe the reason it is hard to find IMR4895, heavy bullet, .243 Winchester data is that most bullet makers feel it is not the idea powder for that cartridge.
There is a learning process to effectively using a gps.  Do not throw your compass and map away!

Boycott: San Francisco, L.A., Oakland, and City of Sacramento, CA.

Offline Steve P

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Re: Load data 243 winchester and speer bullets
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2009, 07:47:16 AM »
45.0 grains of H4831 and the 85 grain speer makes cloverleaf groups with my Ruger M77.  I have a target at home with what looks like a clover leaf.  You can see three distinct impacts, but there are 5 shots thru the holes.  Easily covered with a dime.

Don't give up on the H4831 if you have some. 

Steve :)
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Offline Kurt L

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Re: Load data 243 winchester and speer bullets
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2009, 02:20:03 PM »
I have had real good luck with speer 105 and 41.6 H4350

Offline Siskiyou

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Re: Load data 243 winchester and speer bullets
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2009, 07:44:13 PM »
The Hodgdon Manual 25 published in 1987 gives the following load data for a (unknown) 105 grain bullet using IMR4895.

Starting 33.0 grains Vel. 2572  CUP 41900
Maximum 36.0 grains Vel 2874 CUP 50,100

Of the five powders listed with the 105 grain bullet IMR 4895 generates the lowest velocity and the highest pressure.
There is a learning process to effectively using a gps.  Do not throw your compass and map away!

Boycott: San Francisco, L.A., Oakland, and City of Sacramento, CA.