Heather, your right, as of right now, she probably didn't break any laws. Just the laws of common sense. But how far down the road are we going to go, before we're killing each other in the streets because of over population.Food shortage's,water shortage, housing, etc. Don't think it can't happen. It's going on right now all over the world, happened in Russia after the collapse of the gov't there in the late '80's. It will happen here. Just a matter of time, and I think that time is growing short. This will just add fuel to the fire. More children growing up, no fathers, gov't dependents.Even animals take better care of their young than what some people are doing now. Will she make a bunch of money off of this, probably. Lot of idiots will pay money to read about this. I know I will not. Maybe, 50 years from now, if there is much of a civilization left, they'll look back and wonder just how stupid we were. gypsyman