The only good part about all of this is two things.
1- No longer can they say the MAN IS KEEPING THEM DOWN
2- When this is all said and done the people will finally see that it is not just the REPs that are ruining the country it also is the DEMs.
In all honesty I just don't understand why so many people blame the PRESIDENT when things go bad.
He is but one man.
It is the Government who are at fault.
They make the rules, They blow the money, and don't seem to have to answer to anyone when it all blows up in our faces!
I say one term for all offices.
That way no one would have to worry about being reelected and maybe they would do the will of the people.
If I were ever to run for congress I would run on one platform.
If you elect me I promiss I won't get a dang thing done for your state, but I will tell every sorted detail of what goes on in congress and I will name names.
It would be published in the newspaper even if I had to pay for it myself, and at the end of my term I know I won't get reelected because I didn't do a thing for your state but at least you knew where your money went!
I know I would not win but I think I would get more votes than most would think.
Just think of it, AN HONEST MAN IN CONGRESS!