I intend to have it sent to my reps in congress, to the talk shows both TV and radio.
Will it do any good, I do not know.
It will not change what he did but it will let the public know what they have as a leader!
I am not a sheep, and I will not follow blindly into the night.
I may end up there but it will be with both eyes open.
I voted McCain and am proud of it.
Was he the best man for the job, maybe not, but of the two offered he was the better man with the good of the country in his heart.
The boy is not worried about the people.
All he wants is bigger government.
He talks about transparency in government when he is the one who is so transparent, and why the people of this great country couldn't see right through him is a mystery to me.
He is riding high for now but it won't be that long before the people come to know him for what he really is.
"In four years everyone can once again vote for the lessor of two evils. Now that is something to indeed look forward to."
Now that indeed is something to look forward to!
"America has spoken, and Obama, like it or not is your president for at least the next four years."
Yes sir that is true, as I am an AMERICAN, but I don't have to claim him!
I just can't honer a man who will not salute our nations flag and snubs the very people who will and are protecting us and him from the evils that would destroy us!
I guess it is time to get off my box, but I WILL BE WATCHING HIM with both eyes open!