Author Topic: Where is TM7  (Read 11347 times)

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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #150 on: February 10, 2009, 01:52:09 PM »
Those whom "SECRETLY BEHIND THE SCENES BEG FOR MERCY, AND RESPECT, AND WHINE", offer the least when they believe themselves to be in control. ;)
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Offline billy_56081

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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #151 on: February 10, 2009, 01:57:00 PM »
I have 2 shadows that hang on my every word. ;)

I still like my theory on why TM7 was missing. Bail?
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #152 on: February 10, 2009, 04:41:49 PM »
Apparently TM7 has hired a Public Relations Represnetative here.

Not an advocate for TM7 by any means... We've had our share of disagreements on here.

I just enjoy holding everyone to the standards by which they set for everyone else but not for themselves. :D  i.e. Cabin, Billy, Swampy, on the occasion Powderman... I suppose the correct phrasing to use would be... I enjoy pointing out hypocrites for who they are...
I'm voting 3rd party in this election by writing in Jesus Christ for president.  Sadly even if this were an option most of you would still vote Republican because "It's a two party system."

Offline mirage1988

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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #153 on: February 10, 2009, 04:59:26 PM »
So now you are the moral police?
Where is hobbes? He was the funnier one anyhow.

Offline Cabin4

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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #154 on: February 10, 2009, 05:05:59 PM »
Apparently TM7 has hired a Public Relations Represnetative here.

Not an advocate for TM7 by any means... We've had our share of disagreements on here.

I just enjoy holding everyone to the standards by which they set for everyone else but not for themselves. :D  i.e. Cabin, Billy, Swampy, on the occasion Powderman... I suppose the correct phrasing to use would be... I enjoy pointing out hypocrites for who they are...

Unfortunately for you, there's a significant difference here. I have not admitted to making any so called mistakes. TM7 in fact has made a career of writing mistakes all over this web site. The one pointed out by GB is just one of hundreds of examples.

I think TM7 should review all his historical posts, detail the mistakes and make the appropriate corrections. He should also provide us with an estimate of how long this effort will take. As someone who spends a good amount of time reading threads and posts, I have come to expect a high degree of quality of information here.

We need some good root cause corrective action now that we have isolated a source of admitted fault.

Seems reasonable to me and I'm surprised that you are willing to give an admitted source of bad information a free pass.

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Offline Casull

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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #155 on: February 10, 2009, 05:08:10 PM »
The gay part didn't bother them in the slightest, but NOT Jewish...THE DISHONOR!  That is the level to which the Jews in power in Israel suppress everyone else.  Their policies are easily as oppressive as any Muslim regime.

Wylie, you're kidding right?  You certainly couldn't say with a straight face that because they denied them a marriage because they weren't both Jewish that Israel's "policies are easily as oppressive as any Muslim regime."  Hell, there are plenty of Muslim regimes that would have stoned them both to death just for being lesbians.   ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
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Offline Dee

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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #156 on: February 11, 2009, 02:09:43 AM »
The gay part didn't bother them in the slightest, but NOT Jewish...THE DISHONOR!  That is the level to which the Jews in power in Israel suppress everyone else.  Their policies are easily as oppressive as any Muslim regime.

Wylie, you're kidding right?  You certainly couldn't say with a straight face that because they denied them a marriage because they weren't both Jewish that Israel's "policies are easily as oppressive as any Muslim regime."  Hell, there are plenty of Muslim regimes that would have stoned them both to death just for being lesbians.   ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

While your discussing marriage, what about the roman catholic church? The don't recognize many marriages unless the man or the woman convert to catholicism.
Tying everything up in a nice neat little package is not as easy as it some times appears. Of course you could do as one or two here do. If someone challenges your thought process and verbage, you could whine to the web-masters that your being picked on.
Casull, there is no comparison to the Muslim intent. Agreed? Not the Jews OR the catholics.
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Offline WylieKy

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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #157 on: February 11, 2009, 03:24:06 AM »
That was simply an example with which I have personal knowledge which I find to be ridiculous.  I'll post some more example in a will take me some time to find the reference though...  If you think that Israel is a fellow "freedom" based society who honors anything remotely similar to our constitution you are SADLY mistaken. 
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #158 on: February 11, 2009, 03:31:15 AM »
  Wylie sais;
  "their policies (Israel) is easily as oppressive as ANY Muslim regime."

    Now, that's a rather large mouthful! I have not seen or heard reports of any Israeli people being taken to the town square and having arms, legs or finger hacked off..tongues cut out or even having hands tied before being tossed off rooftops. I haven't seen videos of women taken to a soccer stadium and executed by a shot to the back of the head. As a matter of fact, I cannot recal Israel ever gassing a whole ethnic group, as was done to the Kurds. Haven't heard of any Israeli Dads strangling their teenage daughters in some type of "honor" execution.
     Sorry; don't buy your statement !
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Offline Dee

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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #159 on: February 11, 2009, 03:33:25 AM »
That was simply an example with which I have personal knowledge which I find to be ridiculous.  I'll post some more example in a will take me some time to find the reference though...  If you think that Israel is a fellow "freedom" based society who honors anything remotely similar to our constitution you are SADLY mistaken. 

I for one do not think that. Every country and society has it's own set of rules, and should in their country be respected and left alone. It is when others violate these rules, but themselves want SPECIAL TREATMENT, and complain and whine when they are treated the very same way they treat others. It is hypocritacal.
Israel's rules are Israel's rules, just as mine are mine, and yours are yours. It is when one infringes on the other, that the problems occur.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline ironglow

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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #160 on: February 11, 2009, 03:46:31 AM »
  That is good, sensible advice Dee..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline WylieKy

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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #161 on: February 11, 2009, 06:51:05 AM »
Every country and society has it's own set of rules, and should in their country be respected and left alone. It is when others violate these rules, but themselves want SPECIAL TREATMENT, and complain and whine when they are treated the very same way they treat others. It is hypocritacal.
Israel's rules are Israel's rules, just as mine are mine, and yours are yours. It is when one infringes on the other, that the problems occur.

In Nazi Germany, the rules were that if you were a Jew, you worked until you starved if you had a trade, or died in a gas chamber if you didn't. 

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." 

I do not see "Only in America" anywhere in there.  My point is that of all of our "allies"-Britian, France, Australia, Germany, Canada, etc..... Israel is one of the most ethnically/religiously discriminatory...and not just against Arabs.  Saudi Arabia has them beat, but then they have oil... 

Dee, in a way I agree with you.  With the possible exception of whosale slaughter in the streets or genocide, I think we should mind our own damn business. 
Here's what I think should happen in Israel...
1. Israel should be able to defend themselves against any aggressors.  If a rocket is sent over the border, level the block.  I have NO problem with this.
2. Israel needs to leave the Palestinians the hell alone.  It's not their country anymore (historically it wasn't, then it was, then it wasn't, then it was, now it's not again...I may have missed a couple of cycles) and none of their business.  They have no business policing the border with Egypt or enforcing a blockade.  It's like Mexico sending soldiers to patrol our Canadian border.
3. If Hammas is elected to govern...GREAT! That means that if they start acting like idiots (again), we can blow them up in government buildings instead of housing projects.  Leave them alone and let them do their thing.  If their thing turns out to be slaughter of innocents, blow them up.

I want to make my opinion very clear.  I am not Anti-Israel nor Pro-Palestinian.  I call a spade a spade. These issues are multidimensional and I do not know the fix, or even what is right.  Here are some of the facts....The Palestinians WON!  They beat the Jews and reclaimed their country.  A couple of hundred years later the UN  decided it wanted to give the Jews their land back.  The people (both Christian and Muslim, look it up) were displaced and were NEVER fairly compensated for land that had been in their families for hundreds, even thousands of years.  I think that they are understandably bitter.  That being said, murder of innocents is NOT justified.  What is done is done and if they can't beat the Israelis they need to move on.

Imagine if the UN came in tomorrow and said that everything west of the Mississippi must be given back to the Native Americans.  I'm sure everyone would just meekly pack up and move to New York....sure...  Convince me of this and you will have convinced me that the Palestinians have NO grievance.
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Offline Singleshotsam

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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #162 on: February 11, 2009, 07:46:58 AM »
"So now you are the moral police?"

Na, I'll leave that job for the moderator of this site.  BTW, Hobbes was nothing w/o calvin... :D

I have not admitted to making any so called mistakes...

No, but if your going to sit around and pick people apart day after day, eventually somebody will get sick of you BS opinions,  go through the last posts that you've made, and pick everything you say apart... Will you admit your mistakes then?  (This applys to everyone cabin... not just you)

We need some good root cause corrective action now that we have isolated a source of admitted fault.

Why hold only TM7 to it?  There are countless posts made on here with incorrect information.  Why not expect the same out of everybody, or anyone who has made a mistake in posting information?

Geez and I'm being accused of being the moral police?

Seems reasonable to me and I'm surprised that you are willing to give an admitted source of bad information a free pass.

I'm not giving mis-information a free pass by any means.  TM7 is just as guilty of mis-posting info as anyone else on this site.  I can honestly say i've been corrected plenty of times on my information.  I admit i'm wrong and move on. 

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I'm voting 3rd party in this election by writing in Jesus Christ for president.  Sadly even if this were an option most of you would still vote Republican because "It's a two party system."

Offline ironglow

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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #163 on: February 11, 2009, 12:04:17 PM »
  Not a very comprehensive answer to my inquiry in post #166..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #164 on: February 11, 2009, 03:20:55 PM »
I have no use for the jew or the muslim both are vermin. That was not what this topic was about
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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #165 on: February 11, 2009, 06:48:57 PM »
I have no use for the jew or the muslim both are vermin. That was not what this topic was about

Well, that's where it went.  And, are you really surprised when the original subject was tm7?   ::)
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Offline rparsons934

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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #166 on: February 12, 2009, 05:10:45 AM »
I dont know TM7 or most of the people here. And for that reason I have nothing to say except that this has been an intresting read.
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Offline Heather

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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #167 on: February 12, 2009, 09:09:57 AM »
Since so many are viewing this topic and its subject matter apparently can be changed on anyones whim I hope no one minds if I attempt to change the subject again.  For those of you who havent viewed the topic HR45 because you didn't know what it was PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act is pending federal legislation in Congress.  The bill was introduced on January 6, 2009 by Representative Bobby Rush of Illinois. The main objective of the bill is to provide for stricter gun control. A person would be prohibited by law from possessing a firearm unless approved by a state run system or been issued a license that would have to be renewed every five years within thirty days of the expiration date.  The Attorney General would set up a tracking system of all sales with dealers having to be licensed. Production figures of each licensed manufacturer would be made public.  All those current licensed gun owners would have two years to become certified by the Attorney General or risk losing private property or becoming a criminal.
The bill has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee.

The AnnistonStar our local newspaper had this to say about it.

"If this legislation becomes law, Americans who are in the market for a firearm will have to meet these requirements:

Pass a complex written test by the U.S. attorney general in order to make a purchase; pay a $25 fee for the ability to purchase a firearm; give authorization to access all medical records that contain information about the buyer's mental heath; give fingerprints and photo ID for government records."

TM, I'd like to know what you think?

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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #168 on: February 12, 2009, 09:28:04 AM »
I read both Heather.  ;D
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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #169 on: February 12, 2009, 10:21:57 AM »
I have no use for the jew or the muslim both are vermin. That was not what this topic was about

Well, that's where it went.  And, are you really surprised when the original subject was tm7?   ::)

 Well why don't we recap this thread... and see where Jews, Israel and such comes into play in it and see if the blame is on TM7

Dale makes the first comment about the middle east : Reply #1

mirage makes the first comment about terrorist activity : Reply # 2

powderman makes the first comment about Jews and second comment about terrorist Reply # 3

Billy makes the first comment about BHO and the second comment about Jews : Reply # 4

Reply # 5 - 11 was nothing more than member Bashing which I have already said don't do... and by the above forementioned members

SM Bob makes first comment on Gaza and Israel Reply # 12

Reply # 13 - 15 are laughing at how much fun it is to make fun of another member when they are not around to defend themselves

And then from that point on all those who like TM7's posts stepped in and thus the fur started to fly...

So looking back on this thread I can see no reason I should not ban Dale, mirage, powderman, billy and a few others as they have broke GBO Rules and ignored my post telling them to stop it...  So either it stops now or as the AOL guy says on log out... GOODBYE....

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Offline mirage1988

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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #170 on: February 12, 2009, 03:09:05 PM »
If you couldn't tell, my statement about "terrorist activity" was meant as humor. It actually was an adaption of the joke: have you heard the one about the polish suicide bomber?.... When the thread began, it was just a little good hearted humor between me and Dale. I quit posting when the rockets started flying. Maybe you should just tell us what we should say, and we'll have a nice discussion about freedom of speech, although it may be a little one-sided after you ban everyone that has an opinion other than yours!

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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #171 on: February 12, 2009, 03:41:43 PM »
OK. This has gotten a little out of hand here. I made my first few posts as a joke. I was kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!! GeeZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Give me a break. It was a joke. We were having fun and I never meant any feelings to be hurt. These guys make me the laughing boy every day. I can take a joke for sure and I have proved it. When things turned beyond joking I quit posting on the matter. I have not to my knowledge made a post since #28 where I said Quote The only thing I ever believed in TM7 is he is well educated maybe over educated to the point he sees things that are not there. Dale That is just an opinion of mine and still believe it. GB himself did make a couple pokes at TM along with your wife. I mean no disrespect here but when I said what I said I was kidding. Dale
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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #172 on: February 12, 2009, 04:03:09 PM »
Guys the whole point of this is you guys are bashing another member which is not allowed by GBO rules...

Maybe the topic starter had a legitimate questions about TM7s whereabouts and maybe he didn't I don't know. I do know that all those who dislike TM7 chimed in with some smartass comment or poke just like every mob does. I have no intention of banning any of you for it but would like for all of you to see where it was that you broke the rules and not do it anymore... although this has been going on for years now and I don't see it stopping no matter how much I want it to until I do ban some people.

Dale as to you getting picked on... dude you made an extremely stupid post and expressed outrage like a little girl about some kittens being used as fishing bait... what the hell did you expect... Though the things TM7 post about are controversial at least they are real world and not something made up by a bunch of tree hugging morons. Now I will not get into the validity of all the information he posts as I have not research everything he has posted on but many of those I have researched my conclusions cause me to agree with him on them not all but many.

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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #173 on: February 12, 2009, 04:22:00 PM »
Guys the whole point of this is you guys are bashing another member which is not allowed by GBO rules...

Maybe the topic starter had a legitimate questions about TM7s whereabouts and maybe he didn't I don't know. I do know that all those who dislike TM7 chimed in with some smartass comment or poke just like every mob does. I have no intention of banning any of you for it but would like for all of you to see where it was that you broke the rules and not do it anymore... although this has been going on for years now and I don't see it stopping no matter how much I want it to until I do ban some people.

Dale as to you getting picked on... dude you made an extremely stupid post and expressed outrage like a little girl about some kittens being used as fishing bait... what the hell did you expect... Though the things TM7 post about are controversial at least they are real world and not something made up by a bunch of tree hugging morons. Now I will not get into the validity of all the information he posts as I have not research everything he has posted on but many of those I have researched my conclusions cause me to agree with him on them not all but many.

I have admited I was wrong in that thread a little girl I am not. I can take a joke and that thread will never rest as long as I am a member of GBO. I wanted it to go away a long time ago but like my mother told me when I was a kid if they did not like you they would ignore you. With that kind of thinking, you guys must love me. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Dale
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Re: Where is TM7
« Reply #174 on: February 12, 2009, 04:29:46 PM »
Keep scratchin that itch Dale, see if it goes away!

(that was a joke matt)