Make it a matter of State's Rights and hold the marches in each state capitol on the same day. Tell the NRA to get off thier collective asses and organize the dang things. Make the focus one of State's Rights and limitations on the federal government. Local marches and activities get much better press coverage than dc papers would provide and the sheer volume of local and state (capitol ) press coverage carries a much louder message than the limp wristed lib rags in dc. When local papers report 'hundreds of thousands or thousands' marching in each capitol city to advocate 2nd Amendment rights, gun ownership, cross state reciprocity, and a limit to the federal government intruding into state Constitutional authority those papers will scream that message across the country (they have to, because we support those newspapers and if they don't support us we will buy someone else's papers that do -plain and simple economics). Hell, we can close down a local newspaper faster than d'obama can. Those papers that list the state capitols that held these marches and give an indication of the sheer volume of participants will be read in much greater detail than if the same size march was held in dc.
Please do not forget what most of us said about the million man march - 'why aren't they out working' - we would get the same thing from the dc papers if we tried squattin' in dc - 'sides, you can get worse than cooties in the public toilets in ya may not wanna go there..... And let's not forget that a 'march' is considered a protest and the people who protest the loudest in this country are the ones who want the most - they are the ones who 'march' at the nation's capitol to protest what they feel they do not have. We should take the opposite approach and 'martial our forces' at the State Capitol to demand a end to what we have too much of - federal intrusion into State rights and too many laws, regulations and restrictions. Here we demand our directly elected political representation take the action we want them to take (see above) - this is much more effective than saying 'wait for the next presidential election and then we'll show ya' because local politicians have to deal with us every day.
We are heard much more loudly at the local level. If we pull a obama and have crowds of people at each (anti-gun) politicians office demanding answers and limitations on federal intrusion (and etc.,) we are heard much better than at the federal level if we marched in dc. In dc they would just drag out all the riot cops and fed-nazis and pretend we were never there. But, if we march in each state capitol we can button hole all the politicians at the same time and make our demands heard much more effectively. Remember, it is at the local level where the politicians have to deal with us/see us/hear us every day this is where our actions are most effective.
One other message this can take to the obama government is this: You are an agent of the sovereign states of the United States of America and you will act on our behalf, not that of your own. We will no longer tolerate your intrusion into our rights under our State Constitutions and will not tolerate any new laws or restrictions on any of our rights. jmtcw.