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saw the new winchester m70's
« on: February 03, 2009, 03:10:11 PM »
wow, very nice.

i would definitely put them on the short list if you're looking for a big game rifle. the wood is superb and the metal finish is as well. it remains to be seen how well they shoot.

for the price they are a better buy than the Icon or Remington 700.

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Offline dw06

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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2009, 03:32:43 PM »
What was the price Matt?
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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2009, 03:56:20 PM »
I have one of the new featherweight model 70 in 270 and love it ,also this gun is a shooter .I have put three in a one inch sq. at 100 yards off a bench which is good for me.Mine was 799.00 plus tax.
I enjoy collecting guns, swaping and staying up on all the newest models. I deer, quail, squirrel and rabbit hunt.

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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2009, 12:38:56 AM »
it changed by cartridge, the .270 was $699 and the 325 WSM was $749 i think. the featherweight was $800 if i recall correctly.

I have it on good authority that the telepromter is writing a stern letter.

Offline Swampman

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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2009, 01:15:25 AM »
I can buy a new Model 700 with scope & mounts for $419.95.
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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2009, 03:23:39 AM »
I can buy a new Model 700 with scope & mounts for $419.95.

Yeah, but Swampman, that's only half the rifle of that Winchester.  :D ;) And I'm not guessing. I know.  ;D

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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2009, 01:30:54 PM »
That is not a very smart statement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  If ya don't know how they will shoot how can you say they are a better buy??????????

wow, very nice.

i would definitely put them on the short list if you're looking for a big game rifle. the wood is superb and the metal finish is as well. it remains to be seen how well they shoot.

for the price they are a better buy than the Icon or Remington 700.


Offline mjbgalt

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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2009, 01:36:34 PM »
because they have perfect fit and finish, a MUCH MUCH nicer piece of walnut, deep glossy bluing, and a 3 position safety. they also have controlled round feed (much more expensive to produce but they sell for the same as the simple push feed designs).

and because there are not 67,000,000 of them out there like it, like there are remingtons. and they don't weigh 10 pounds with scope like the icons do.

I have it on good authority that the telepromter is writing a stern letter.

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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2009, 02:22:22 AM »
They are a nice rifle. No question. But if they don't shoot worth a darn none of that matters. I suspect they will.

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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2009, 04:26:01 PM »
Swampman, you can still buy a Winchester Model 70 with scope and mounts for around $400, as well.  So what's your point!   ;D  The rifles in question are the Wally World specials, and I still see them around.  I fail to see how this is a legitimate comparison to a Model 70 Classic Featherweight, but to some, maybe.. If so, then buy a $400 rifle/scope combo and be happy.  Whatever floats your boat!   ;D  Such rifles are not for me, however.  YMMV   ;D

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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2009, 01:26:05 AM »
I mentioned the Remington because of it's superb accuracy & quality.
"Brother, you say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the Book?" Sogoyewapha, "Red Jacket" - Senaca

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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2009, 03:58:08 AM »


    Really, no offense intended whatsoever.  But, are you a distributor for or employee of Remington?  I only ask because your reply to every type of rifle issue seems to be to go out and buy a Remington?


Mannyrock.  (P.S.-in the past, I have owned some great Remingtons)

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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2009, 04:06:08 AM »
I mentioned the Remington because of it's superb accuracy & quality.

My favorite thing about Remingtons is the bolt handles that break off.  WAAY too many reports of that happening for me to discount it.  Even have reports of it happening with Remingtons the owner hasn't fired yet.

I've got two Remington M700's (.308 Win and .30-06) but my Rugers shoot just as wll and the bolt is a one-piece design.  Never owned a Winchester but I have seen the new FN built actions and like them a lot.
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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2009, 10:53:49 AM »
I saw the new M70s at the SHOT show in Orlando.  I own quite a few Winchesters (all pre-2006), and, so far, all of them have been very good shooters.  I must say, however, that I have not been impressed with their fit and finish.  When I saw the new M70s, I can say that the fit and finish is a bit better than the older ones, but I wouldn't say that they are MUCH better, at least comparing the new M70s that I saw and handled versus the ones that I own.


Offline oldelkhunter

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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2009, 03:07:08 PM »
Zachary, the tolerances on the new Model 70's are much much better and they look and feel like they have been popped out of a cookie cutter which is the desired efect most manufacturers want to achieve. I have handled a few and other then some grain differences in the stocks everything else is the same.  It might be because of ISO9001.  I have seen way too much up and down quality on the Model 70 Classics I owned in the past. That being said I am still shaking my head at how they did away one of the finest hunting triggers of all time. When the extreme version shows up I am probably going to buy one ..they left out the 7 Rem Mag and I really like that caliber in a Model 70.
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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2009, 05:26:23 PM »
I mentioned the Remington because of it's superb accuracy & quality.

My favorite thing about Remingtons is the bolt handles that break off.  WAAY too many reports of that happening for me to discount it.  Even have reports of it happening with Remingtons the owner hasn't fired yet.
Sounds like operator's error to me.
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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2009, 05:30:56 AM »
  Hello all. I finally held one three days ago-a featherweight .270. Comparing it to my 1982 U.S.R.A. featherweight there is no comparison; my rifle is an absolute thing of beauty while the newcomer seems,well,functional. Of course it might shoot fifty shot 1" groups but I can only go on looks unless I plunk down my $800. One thing I really dislike (and it seems common on other makes) is that deep blueing has been replaced with a very black metal finish with no luster,at least on the gun I looked at. The rifle did seem to have good metal-to-wood fit. But just to show how opinions vary the same day I examined an Icon (first time too) and could not put it down fast enough! Some men prefer Amazon blondes and some like petite brunettes so it just stands to reason the same goes for the rifle world.  Kix

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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2009, 09:20:49 AM »
I mentioned the Remington because of it's superb accuracy & quality.

My favorite thing about Remingtons is the bolt handles that break off.  WAAY too many reports of that happening for me to discount it.  Even have reports of it happening with Remingtons the owner hasn't fired yet.
Sounds like operator's error to me.

No, I know of two cases in which it happened while being handled BEFORE the owner had shot the rifle, just opening and closing the bolt.  Sorry, but a bolt should be able to take that kind of stress easily.  Mark it up to manufacturing defects, not operator error.  Sometimes Remington just doesn't get the braze/silver solder/whatever right.  Have never heard of a Ruger handle on their one-piece bolts coming off, even when beaten with a hammer after firing loads with excessively high pressure.  Even though most of them provide a lifetime of service, the Remington bolt design, in terms of being rugged, is flawed.
Coyote Hunter

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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #18 on: February 16, 2009, 05:30:25 AM »
I mentioned the Remington because of it's superb accuracy & quality.

My favorite thing about Remingtons is the bolt handles that break off.  WAAY too many reports of that happening for me to discount it.  Even have reports of it happening with Remingtons the owner hasn't fired yet.
Sounds like operator's error to me.

I agree with you.  I've owned a number of Rem rifles over almost 50 yrs and I hear this I hear than but I've never had a bolt handle come off.  I've got acouple nice customs build on Win actions got a old tang ruger 77 up being restocked etcto a 257Wbyand I've done a 300mag and 7x57 on those actions.    I'm sure there are Rem bolt handles that have come off I've never seen one  but agin I've heard they have so there must be some true in it Ha-Ha.

Offline oldelkhunter

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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #19 on: February 16, 2009, 10:15:18 AM »
No, I know of two cases in which it happened while being handled BEFORE the owner had shot the rifle, just opening and closing the bolt.  Sorry, but a bolt should be able to take that kind of stress easily.  Mark it up to manufacturing defects, not operator error.  Sometimes Remington just doesn't get the braze/silver solder/whatever right.  Have never heard of a Ruger handle on their one-piece bolts coming off, even when beaten with a hammer after firing loads with excessively high pressure.  Even though most of them provide a lifetime of service, the Remington bolt design, in terms of being rugged, is flawed.

The bolt body is being heat treated at the same time the handle is being brazed on step operation. You don't get the surfaces prepped right and the silver is not going to stick. I mean the REmington bolt body is 3 pieces as is and now there are aftermarket companies that are making a one piece bolt  so there must be something to all this.
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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #20 on: February 16, 2009, 11:45:49 AM »
No, I know of two cases in which it happened while being handled BEFORE the owner had shot the rifle, just opening and closing the bolt.  Sorry, but a bolt should be able to take that kind of stress easily.  Mark it up to manufacturing defects, not operator error.  Sometimes Remington just doesn't get the braze/silver solder/whatever right.  Have never heard of a Ruger handle on their one-piece bolts coming off, even when beaten with a hammer after firing loads with excessively high pressure.  Even though most of them provide a lifetime of service, the Remington bolt design, in terms of being rugged, is flawed.

The bolt body is being heat treated at the same time the handle is being brazed on step operation. You don't get the surfaces prepped right and the silver is not going to stick. I mean the REmington bolt body is 3 pieces as is and now there are aftermarket companies that are making a one piece bolt  so there must be something to all this.

I think you might be talking about the bolts from Pacific.  There custom bolt that you can be fit to the action and the reason for the one piece is they had problem with gunsmith/hobby gunsmith and welding the bolts  I haven't seen those one piece bolt yet.  I've had two rifles fitted with the Pacific bolt and my gunsmith must of done a good job as they are still working.

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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #21 on: February 17, 2009, 05:57:41 AM »
 There are more then a few companies now making a one piece bolt for the 700.  They are simply addressing a need from shooters.  Plenty of pictures posted throughout the Internet that shows the bolt handle off .  DO you think they were photoshopped? 
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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #22 on: February 17, 2009, 08:31:55 AM »
There are more then a few companies now making a one piece bolt for the 700.  They are simply addressing a need from shooters.  Plenty of pictures posted throughout the Internet that shows the bolt handle off .  DO you think they were photoshopped? 

Please name the companys that makes one piece bolt I'd like to  get one been waiting for Pacific.  I've seen pictures too in fact the gunsmith that does work for me had one.  The owner of the rifle had too hot of a load hit the bolt handle too hard with a hammer.  That guy could of taken a picture of that rifle and posted it on the net for all I know claiming bolt just fell off.  I disagree there making bolt for Rem because there flawed I do agree they are addressing a shooters needs  There always been a market for the after market bolt for the Rem rifles it's easier to buy a mag bolt than to open one up and install a sako extractor or if your doing a switch  barrel rifle one barrel say for a 30-06 another for 7mag.  There some custom action that are using a Rem style bolt think a outfit called Pierce also Hart used to or still does sells Rem factory bolt.  Bald Eagle that made rifles rest used to make Rem bolt.

We have alot of internet experts that can claim things without it ever happen to them.   Myself if I had a bolt handle come off I won't be worry about taking pictures it be heading to the gunsmiths to get fixed.   I always call it fact or fiction.

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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #23 on: February 17, 2009, 02:55:10 PM »
I too have been impressed by the new model 70.  The half a dozen or so that I've looked at had nice figured walnut stocks, good close fit and just a handsome rifle.

That said, the Remington 700 CDL is also a very nice looking piece of equipment too.

As I already have a few Remington rifles, if I were to purchase a new rifle I'd probably give the model 70 a try.
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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #24 on: February 17, 2009, 03:48:33 PM »
Please name the companys that makes one piece bolt I'd like to  get one been waiting for Pacific.  I've seen pictures too in fact the gunsmith that does work for me had one.  The owner of the rifle had too hot of a load hit the bolt handle too hard with a hammer.  That guy could of taken a picture of that rifle and posted it on the net for all I know claiming bolt just fell off.  I disagree there making bolt for Rem because there flawed I do agree they are addressing a shooters needs  There always been a market for the after market bolt for the Rem rifles it's easier to buy a mag bolt than to open one up and install a sako extractor or if your doing a switch  barrel rifle one barrel say for a 30-06 another for 7mag.  There some custom action that are using a Rem style bolt think a outfit called Pierce also Hart used to or still does sells Rem factory bolt.  Bald Eagle that made rifles rest used to make Rem bolt.

We have alot of internet experts that can claim things without it ever happen to them.   Myself if I had a bolt handle come off I won't be worry about taking pictures it be heading to the gunsmiths to get fixed.   I always call it fact or fiction.

Ok so you think all the photos are made up...there has been more then one BTW. I am not going to argue with you , I have owned a ton of Remingtons and no bolt has fallen off but I am not discounting these stories or accounts since I was not there when it happened. I don't own Remingtons anymore for a ton of reasons. If your happy with your cost saving 3 piece bolt then more power to you. You know they don't exactly give away Remingtons anymore and for what they charge they should at least do something right but they don't. They are 1/4 the rifle a Winchester is and always will be in the field where it counts.  If your interested in replacing that bolt in your 700 contact Midway they seem to have PTG bolts available.
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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #25 on: February 18, 2009, 12:59:41 PM »
oldelkhunter,  Now that I know your unbiased option of Rem rifles it help to understand your comments.

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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #26 on: February 19, 2009, 01:41:42 AM »
I'm glad to see a new Win and I agree "it remains to be seen how well they shoot.".  I picked up a new FWT in 300WSM when they first came out.  I'm not much into wood so I order a  McMillian for it waiting on the stock I broke in the barrrel tested afew load groups were so-so I figured it was bedding so put it way till new stock and then get bedded figuring it improve those groups well that didn't work.  I was faced with the choice of sending the rifle back or take care of the problem myself.

I just ordered a new barrel and gunsmith fixed the problem so I can go on and enjoy the rifle my other problem with Win when they came out the 6.5x55 FWT in the 80's they long throated first runs so they had a recall.

I guess I could of become an internet expert on Win rifles and start bash them maybe if I was trying to promote myself.  I wasn't real happy about the 300WSM couple times was thinking of wrapping it around a tree or cut up into parts and send back to Win but life goes on.  Build me a real nice 270WSM,30-06,6.5x284 and 270 on Win actions gunsmith is finishing 30-06 and 270 on Rem actions I've yet to hear from the gunsmiths I use don't send me a Rem because the bolt handle may fall off.

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Re: saw the new winchester m70's
« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2009, 03:28:42 PM »
oldelkhunter,  Now that I know your unbiased option of Rem rifles it help to understand your comments.

 Unbiased?  I 'll bet I have owned more Remingtons then you have Winchesters.  That would be 50+ Remington rifles owned and 2 dozen Winchester Model 70's. It should have been the other way around but I will correct that shortly.

guess I could of become an internet expert on Win rifles and start bash them maybe if I was trying to promote myself.  I wasn't real happy about the 300WSM couple times was thinking of wrapping it around a tree or cut up into parts and send back to Win but life goes on.  Build me a real nice 270WSM,30-06,6.5x284 and 270 on Win actions gunsmith is finishing 30-06 and 270 on Rem actions I've yet to hear from the gunsmiths I use don't send me a Rem because the bolt handle may fall off.

Oh you are quite the internet expert . Never saw a gunsmith that didn't want work and there are lots of gunsmiths that have made a nice livelihood because of Remingtons. ;D ;D ;D ;D
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