I believe I have 7 NEF H&R/NEF Pardner/Handi/Topper guns with many barrels. More than I can shoot. Last fall a good friend was starting his daughter on slug hunting and I gave him one of my 20ga USH guns with a muzzleloader accessory barrel. Seeing a father getting his daughter into hunting is reward enough for me. I started my daughter on a NEF rig - before the rifled barrels were out.
Anyway, I used my remaining 20 ga. USH to bag a nice 8 pointer this year. With Lightfield Hybreds, the gun is just spooky accurate. I love it. The next day, it got colder and was about -3F in the morning. I had a shot at a doe and I got a light hit on the primer, no discharge. I changed shells, re-aimed, squeezed off - same result. The doe scooted across a pathway and stopped further away, and was nice enough to stand there while I kept recocking and pulling the trigger on that shell until it went off and I dropped the deer.
I suspect that the cold temperature gummed up any lube in the hammer linkage and "softened" the strike. I do not remember flushing out this action and spraying some dry lube in there like I have done on some of my Handis and Pardners. Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. I should keep maintenance records on my guns.
I believe it is either excessive and wrong lube that got gummed up in the cold ( the day before was warmer, and before the season I shot the gun several times in +20F temps and never had a problem) OR I may have a weak or borderline hammer spring. I plan on flushing out the action and spraying some TriFlow TFE or CLP into the action, and testing the primer dent several times afterwards.
BUT, I want to be sure that I have corrected the problem and that the gun is absolutely reliable in below zero weather. I am not real keen on taking the action apart as I haven't done one of these before although I am average-capable of such things. I AM going to send another frame in for another USH barrel for a backup, or hopefully to get another youngster deer hunting.
In the meantime - any insights or experiences on what you all think I should do with this "dilemma" would be appreciated: