It seems that Texas has been working with Merkil the German PM for awhile now.
Its why Texas wasn't concerned when she was saying she was going to leave the Union ,Merkil was going to watch her back.
Texans and a lot of the old Confederacy at least around this western end ,say that Obama is failing.
But even that will not matter , a Lot of States have just had it ,and are intending to leave anyway.
Old world Germany is going to hang with Putin ,and the Germany here is not that bad.
From the people i have talked to who live over there, they say its like nothing has ever happened ,and they have even more freedom than the way things were getting before.
I guess we will see , i hope things work out but guys ,if they do not the South and over here are going to be a lot luckier than a lot of other places in America will be.
Merkil wants open borders with the south , and they have been tradeing for years now .
With her Millitary as an Allie no one in their right minds would attack eiather one of us.
It seems like the entire World is shifting around now.
Australia is talking about splitting into three County's now also.
I guess we did get Change , its just a matter of time now.