Author Topic: CZ 452 .22 round..  (Read 8525 times)

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Offline FourBee

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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #30 on: April 29, 2009, 07:31:51 AM »
The RWS is probably quite good but a bit rich for me and I don't know where I would find them locally.

Yeah; they are a little hard on the pocket book.  But if you don't burn'em up, a brick will last awhile.   MidwayUSA is where mine came from.

Now just for lots of shootin, and at one time, locally available ammo.    Shootin thru the CZ, the clean burning Federal # 510 Solid Point (Federal Lightning), and #710 Hollow Point, use to be an inexpensive way to get in lots of shootin time with respectable accuracy.  But the way prices have increased I don't know if that holds true anymore.

edited:  p.s.  The reason I identified the Fed's by #510 is that they are sold under different titles yet it is the same ammo.  Just look on the boxes, especially bulk boxes for the #510
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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #31 on: June 24, 2009, 07:51:19 AM »
As far as accuracy is concerned, my CZ American likes, SK sub, Wolf ME, Eley/Rem Club Xtra, SK Match Gold.

Have not tried any of the high dollar stuff.

Honorable mentions are: Wolf MT, Eley Sport, Fed. 711b, Rem MT, SK std +.

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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #32 on: June 24, 2009, 10:24:43 AM »
 :) Hi ice:
             Good to hear your CZ shoots those rounds well.  Especially since they seem to be more readily available lately.   I've never tried any of those ~
SK sub, Wolf ME, Eley/Rem Club Xtra, SK Match Gold.
so am curious as to what distance you're basing their accuracy on.  

For small game hunting I like a target range of 40 yards.   Shooting dime sized groups at that range is hard to do without the right ammo for my .22 .....
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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #33 on: November 13, 2009, 09:21:32 AM »
:) Hi ice:
             Good to hear your CZ shoots those rounds well.  Especially since they seem to be more readily available lately.   I've never tried any of those ~
SK sub, Wolf ME, Eley/Rem Club Xtra, SK Match Gold.
so am curious as to what distance you're basing their accuracy on.  

For small game hunting I like a target range of 40 yards.   Shooting dime sized groups at that range is hard to do without the right ammo for my .22 .....

All my accuracy testing is done @ 50 yards rested.
If I do my part, it is not too hard to get one holers with SK Subs and Wolf ME.
Have had quite a few one holers with SK Match Gold but I don`t think it is in productions any more.
I have pictures of my groups with the CZ but, i`m too lazy to post them.
Through extensive testing, I have discovered that tempature plays a part in which round will group best on any given day
I have noticed that SK Subs give me the best accuracy on hot days.
I don`t exaggerate my group sizes. Anyone that does that is only fooling themselves.

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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #34 on: November 13, 2009, 10:08:43 AM »
I really like shooting CCI SV.  It's fairly quiet and very accurate out of my Special.  I use the "D-Rock" tool from RFC to make a massive HP out of it.  Not only HP but "consistantsizes" the bullets for increased accuracy IMO.  YMMV
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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #35 on: November 14, 2009, 03:36:11 AM »
Hmmm I brought some of the RWS Subs but have not tried them thorugh my Brno Model 2 yet. However they do not shoot as well through my BSA's as does the winchester Subs which I am now out of. I do find that the CCI Blazer solids shoot very well through all my .22 LR's.

I used to shoot the Aquila copper washed ammo but don't seem to see it now  :( my next puchase ammo wise will be some Winchester subs  ;)

Offline ironglow

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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #36 on: November 14, 2009, 04:19:09 AM »
 I gave my Marine grandson my 880SQ. On veteran's day he and several of his Marine buddies (armorers all) had the day off, so they held an informal .22LR match. He smoked them all, using CCI standards.
  Only fair to say however, his fellow competitors as Marines, do not always qualify as "Expert", whereas he does.
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Offline FourBee

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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #37 on: November 14, 2009, 05:56:04 AM »
Posted by: ice   All my accuracy testing is done @ 50 yards rested.
If I do my part, it is not too hard to get one holers

Hey ice; that's excellent.  Good eye-sight and breath control.  Something I don't have.

Hey Brithunter:   Let us know how the RWS' do in that BRNO.   I need to try those Winchester Subs.  The Win. T-22 Targets have always been at the top of my favorites.
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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #38 on: November 14, 2009, 07:47:02 AM »
Posted by: ice   All my accuracy testing is done @ 50 yards rested.
If I do my part, it is not too hard to get one holers

Hey ice; that's excellent.  Good eye-sight and breath control.  Something I don't have.

Hey Brithunter:   Let us know how the RWS' do in that BRNO.   I need to try those Winchester Subs.  The Win. T-22 Targets have always been at the top of my favorites.

Thanks FourBee.
I too managed to get a brick of the new Winchester subs to try. Haven`t had time to go to the range lately.
The odds are against low priced ammo competing favorably with match ammo but, you never know till you try them.

Offline Brithunter

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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #39 on: November 14, 2009, 10:43:05 AM »
The Winchester subs we get are made in Australia and were ina white box but now it's blue. Rested at 25 metres they shoot one ragged hole through both my scoped BSA Supersport Fives and through the brno Model 2. The group opens up a bit at 50 metres and at 75 metres I need to learn to read the wind more  :-[ but even with my poor shooting at 100 metres on the indoor tunnel range I can keep them in under 2 1/2" a better shot than me would do much better I feel. I am sure it's my follow through which is suspect  ::)

I will try to test shoot the RWS through the Brno but I doubt it will be this weekend as we have gales blowing and it's wet. This afternoon you would have had trouble standing upright against some of the gusts of wind and the steady wind was well up in the 30's tp 40 mph region. Not good for shooting rimfires.

I never got on well with T-22 the aquila copper washed Hi-Velocity ammo shot better, I had an Anschutz 54 Lightweight single shot target rifle at the time, but that was a couple of decades ago now. Oh my Brno model 2 has the 3x Meopta Prepov scope on it but I do have a 4x32 that I can put on it as I have a set of rings. The Meopta has it's own mount of course  :).

Offline Swampman

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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #40 on: November 14, 2009, 10:47:23 AM »
Mine won't shoot anything other than Remingtons.  Other brands won't feed, fire, or extract.  I'm not kidding.  Remingtons work fine and shoot into one hole at 25 yards.  Even the Thunderbolts.
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Offline FourBee

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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #41 on: November 14, 2009, 12:09:45 PM »
Hey Swampman:  
Mine won't shoot anything other than Remingtons
What year make and model is your CZ ?

Hey Brithunter:    Haven't tried 100 yards since 1995.  It was a open range in February with a gusty east wind.   I put 10 rounds in a 2" group.  3 in the 9 ring ~ 3 in the 10 ring ~ and 4 in the bullseye.  I used a Weaver V-16 (4x16x50mm) powered scope on my Lux and the ammo was the Win T-22 target.   The gear was brand new then.  I'd gotten a bonus from work and went directly to the gunshop and bought the whole set-up together.  Boy how time flies............ ;D  when your havin fun....... ;D

p.s.  I have to admit it wasn't all that easy.  I tried every type and brand of ammo on the market at that time.   Taking down notes from the very beginning, I began eliminating them at 50 yards.   Then with the 4 or 5 types left, I began working the 100 yard range.  Strange things began to happen with some at that range.   Finally Winchester won out, and the last try was the above results. 8)
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Offline ironglow

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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #42 on: November 14, 2009, 01:28:22 PM »
My CZ Trainer shoots all ammo very complaints. It is particularly fond of aquila subsonics, either 38gr hp, or 40 gr standard, wolf me is good, too.....when I can find them, which isn't so easy these days.


  Ditto on my 452 Special. I have grown to like thos Aguila subsonics also. They are a good hunting round, with their soft (I believe) lead and excellent mushrooming qualities. ....And the Aguila subs like most all my .22 rifles.  As with your case, they are hard to find around here also.
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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #43 on: November 14, 2009, 01:34:24 PM »
I really like shooting CCI SV.  It's fairly quiet and very accurate out of my Special.  I use the "D-Rock" tool from RFC to make a massive HP out of it.  Not only HP but "consistantsizes" the bullets for increased accuracy IMO.  YMMV

   How do I find info on the D-rock tool over on RFC?
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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #44 on: November 14, 2009, 01:45:58 PM »

"Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition" - Frank Loesser

Offline Swampman

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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #45 on: November 14, 2009, 05:11:44 PM »
Hey Swampman:  
Mine won't shoot anything other than Remingtons
What year make and model is your CZ ?

It's brand new.
"Brother, you say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the Book?" Sogoyewapha, "Red Jacket" - Senaca

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Offline FourBee

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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #46 on: November 14, 2009, 05:48:02 PM »
It's brand new.

Now that's interesting.   CZ makes fairly precise chambers causing certain ammo hard to load, but for the Thunderbolt to be accurate, that would be one tight chamber.  
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Offline Brithunter

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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #47 on: November 14, 2009, 10:40:04 PM »
Well FourBee,

     I will try the Brno today as the wind has dropped, here anyway, it hopefully will be the same 40 miles away at the range. Our club range is only 75 metres (82 yards) and a higher mag scope might help. Heck I need the practice it seems  :'( as my .22 Rinfire performance at longer distance leaves something to be desired. We will just get breakfast out the way now Mother has surfaced  ;D and had her coffee, she says being old why should she get up at the crack of dawn?  :D I will then put together the 20 handloads with the 55 Grn Nosler BT for the .222 Rem, cases are all ready to go I ran out of bullets  ::),  then I can load up the car for the hours ride over to the range.

Have just cased up:-

Brno Model 2
BSA supersport Five (this has a Simmons 6-18x40 competition scope on it, the rings just happen to fit the Brno's grooves I think  ;))
Baikal MH18 .222
BSA Model E 303

To play with at the range.

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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #48 on: November 21, 2009, 01:41:39 PM »
Hey ice; got a brick of Winchester Subsonics today at Ft.Smith, ARK  gun show.  $40 cash.  Saw some RWS Subsonics for $85 per brick.  Too steep for me.   I'll try those Win's out if the weather is ok next week.

Monday, 11~23~09
Shot 100 rounds of those Win Subs today, and I can say they'll do just fine.  The gun was previously sighted in with the RWS Subs.  Here's how the Winchesters did.......

Didn't shoot from a bench today, sat on the ground using a sling.  20/30/40/ and 55 yards.  Before adjustments, bullets hit targets 4 clicks left at 40 yds.  In the long barreled Brno they were very slow. They made a definite (Bang, Thump) at 40 yds.  At 55 yards I expected the bullets to rise a little, but they gave similar results as at 40 yds. :D
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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #49 on: November 21, 2009, 03:26:23 PM »
Quote from: ironglow link=topic=164235.msg 1098938320#msg 1098938320 date=1258211949
I gave my Marine grandson my 880SQ. On veteran's day he and several of his Marine buddies (armorers all) had the day off, so they held an informal .22LR match. He smoked them all, using CCI standards.
  Only fair to say however, his fellow competitors as Marines, do not always qualify as "Expert", whereas he does.

I think I mentioned it, but I have one of these as well. I shot it against a Kimber, Anschutz and a Browning T-Bolt. NONE could hold a candle to its accuracy!!!  but even its excellent accuracy doesn't compare to the accuracy of my CZ special 452!!!
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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #50 on: November 21, 2009, 11:31:38 PM »
  I had the 880SQ and my CZ Special both at the same time, and that is why I didn't mind parting with one of them. Since I am a hunter rather than a paper puncher, my scopes are stronger...and for me, the two shot neck & neck; but obviously, with a more powerful scope, I may (or may not :D) have shrunk the groups a bit.
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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #51 on: November 21, 2009, 11:44:33 PM »
Your right, bigger glass helps. ESP as we grow older.  ::)
But that long barrel really shined with the peep I had on it. I was able to consistently hit 12ga empties @ 50 yards!
My SQ is an early one with the dovetails cut for sites, but there are none so its always worn a scope. Its got a Simmons fancy jobber in 4x12 AO. (signature maybe)
I have a sweet spot for a long barreled 22 with peeps. The CZ now wears a 6x18 Bushnell Trophy AO that I scrounged from a hi-power pellet rifle I had. I cleaned up and tapped the receiver of a old long barreled Springfield 22 for peeps. So now I have my peep sited 22 again too!!

When ever I head to the range, at least one of these goes too. Its fun to plink while waiting for the big boys to cool off.

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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #52 on: December 04, 2009, 12:29:15 PM »
Gotcha longshot;
  Now my grandsopn has a great shooting rifle and I kept  my we're both "good to go"..
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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #53 on: December 05, 2009, 06:38:38 AM »
Gotcha longshot;
  Now my grandsopn has a great shooting rifle and I kept  my we're both "good to go"..

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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #54 on: December 05, 2009, 07:43:01 AM »
  I just talked to my grandson yesterday afternoon. He is having a ball with the "SQ". Each winter, he and some other Marine friends spend a couple days hunting in a state or national forest near where they are stationed. He had gotten back just before he called. That second day he had shot 4 squirrels and a coon..most at 40-50- yards..all headshot. (CCI standards)
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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #55 on: December 05, 2009, 09:46:41 AM »
I remember a nice contender match 22LR barrel I bought once. MAN did that shoot!!

 I had a good friend with a Quonset hut building with a squirrel problem. This barrel with CB LONGS would shoot dimes @ 30 yards. I shot about a dozen of dem critters and not a single hole in his roof!!! That barrel was quite a shooter, a good friend talked me out of it...

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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #56 on: December 05, 2009, 12:45:44 PM »
How do we do it CW ?
  How do we let folks talk us out of the exceptional ones ? ;) :D
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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #57 on: December 07, 2009, 04:12:35 PM »
S.S.---yes they velocity is low at only about 450-550 fps but look at the energy rating for the round (or the punch)  Your average .22 cal cb short with about a 29 grain bullet carries about 32 foot lbs of energy where a .22 cal air gun has about 6 foot lbs... so that is just something to consider...

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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #58 on: December 08, 2009, 03:13:54 PM »
  Hey Grandson,
  How are things going with the USMC ?  Looking forward to seeing you in a couple weeks, maybe we can go to my woods and terrorize a few gray squirrels..
  Hey, do you have any photos of the squirrels and coon you got past weekend with the SQ 880? If you do, how about posting them here for the guys...
  BTW; the Aguila SS is at 950 fps, so the 60 gr about equals a 40gr HV round...good enough if your rifle handles them, which most don't.
  Never tried them in the SQ though.
   Within it's range, a CB will go through most small game much more is needed ?
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Re: CZ 452 .22 round..
« Reply #59 on: December 23, 2009, 12:42:06 PM »
I found a pic of the SQ Marlin...

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