Author Topic: What's all the fuss with magnums?  (Read 1961 times)

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Offline Zachary

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What's all the fuss with magnums?
« on: December 17, 2002, 09:28:07 AM »
It all depends on what each person deems "justification" to be.  You clearly stated that a 270 has successfully taken whitetails at 200 yards.  Truth is, a 270 can be effective way past 200 yards.

There really is no way to "justify" a "magnum" load for whitetails under 200 yards.  I could tell you that magnums offer flatter trajectories, which is true, but not really "necessary" for shots under 200 yards.  I could tell you that they "hit harder" but 3000 ft. lbs. of energy from a .277 caliber 130 grain bullet won't kill a whitetail any more than a 2000 ft. lbs of energy from the same bullet. (again, assuming that these numbers really mean much.)

Unless a hunter is shooting at very long ranges (and I mean over 300 yards, or even over 400 yards), then you really don't need a magnum.  And even then I'll bet you that at least 90% of all shots are under 200 yards.  In fact, I'm going to post that issue.

Why would a magnum be important for longer shots?  Not necessarily for trajectory, but because hunting bullets need at least about 2000 fps to expand reliably.  Some rifles poop out at 300 yards, meaning that bullet might just "pencil" through without expanding.

Of course the main reason why hunters use magnums is because they fall for the "hype" of which I, admittedly, have fallen for. :oops:   Then again, there is nothing WRONG with shooting magnums either. :grin:


Offline Graybeard

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What's all the fuss with magnums?
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2002, 05:49:35 PM »
Don't be betting on expansion below 1600-1700 fps with any bullet to include the Sicrroco and the Nosler BT or PT. Those and the other plastic tipped bullets and those made for the really slow rounds like the .30-30 are gonna expand at the lowest velocities but when it drops below 1800 fps any expansion you get is minimal and don't do much for you even if it happens.


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Offline Yukon Jack

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What's all the fuss with magnums?
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2002, 07:27:52 PM »
I agree with you about the testosterone, but believe there is one other element - FEAR.

What if?  What if that trophy buck steps out on the other end of that beanfield?  I'll just put the old Gutstompenwhizbanger magnum on him and it'll shoot as straight as a string for neigh on a mile (or some such silliness, never mind that 9 out of 10 hunters can't hit a pie plate at much more than 200 yards, members of this forum are of course that 1 out of ten that can :D ).

Another situation is believing that by some miracle, a few extra grains (or in Ultra Mags case - pounds) of powder will do something to the bullet that actually makes the animal hunted rollover and give up just by the sound of the shot.

Now I must confess to owning several whiz bang magnums in the past and I still have ONE today.  I tote a 338 Win Mag around on any hunt up here where I'm pretty sure I've got as good a chance running into a big coastal grizzly as I do a moose, deer or whatever my intended target is.

Another thing to think about is if most folks are buying the 270 Winchester, well, they buy it to shoot banjo string flat.  So, taking that line of thinking, wouldn't flatter be better?  Why not step up to the 270 Wby Mag or a 7mm Mag of some sort?  Instead of a 25-06 why not a 257 Wby?  I mean, you are looking for flat shooting, why not get really flat shooting?  Just more of the same thing.

I harbor no grief against the magnum craze, shoot the 45/70 craze is going full bore too and 45/70 hot loaded don't kill a whitetail deer any deader than a 30-30 or 32 Win Special or 35 Rem.  Yet 45/70 folks are praising it, even it is a bit much.  Kinda the whitetail magnum.

Offline Zachary

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What's all the fuss with magnums?
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2002, 03:15:02 AM »

If you look carefully at my post, you will see that I said that you need at least 2000 fps in order for bullets to "expand reliably" - and I emphasize reliably.  Yes, "some" bullets can expand under 2000 fps, but not "all" bullets will expand "reliably" under 2000 fps. :-)


Offline jdt48653

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What's all the fuss with magnums?
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2002, 04:47:32 PM »
a 270 is a magnum if you are going by the spects!

Offline longwinters

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What's all the fuss with magnums?
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2002, 05:02:23 AM »
:) Gee, I shoot a Weatherby in 30-06 and never got the Weatherby flinch.  Are you sure that isnt the Remington Ultra Mag Flinch?  I like all caliber guns . . . but some I would prefer seeing someone else shoot.  :)
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Offline jdt48653

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What's all the fuss with magnums?
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2002, 02:23:48 PM »
longwinters,couldnt be said any better!

Offline I am CAL.........

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« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2002, 03:53:00 PM »
Well,First I don't mean to step on anyones toes cause what er man likes is his business,BUT? I have a good friend what has a 300 Ultra Magnum I want to tell ya'll about.I have a shooting range behind my shop so designed we can shoot from under the shelter while it is raining if we like.Well,he brought his new Ultra up to the shop and he proceeded to shoot that thang.This is no lie,I was standing a good 15 ft.behind him when he shot.The concushion from that Ultra made things fall from the wall in my shop and blew my cap off.It killed all the spiders from under the shed too.That thing is somekinder bad if you ask me.Down here in So.Ga. there just ain't nothing to shoot with that thing short er target.Further more,for every two rounds he loads,I can load nine 223s with the same amount of powder.I guess if ya want the biggest,badest,loudest,kickingest,heavest,most concushion thang out there he has got it!Know what else?I'm for him as long as I ain't gotter shoot that thang. :D That's mer .02 cents worth. I am CAL.........

Offline acearch72

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What's all the fuss with magnums?
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2002, 04:24:06 PM »
Hey Cal,

I can't get rid of the spiders in my garage.  Think you could get your friend to come down and shoot in my garage to kill them spiders?


Offline I am CAL.........

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« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2002, 05:54:18 PM »
:-D Well,I might er stretched things er little bout them spiders but thats all.I promise it knocked mer hat off and sonthin fell in tha shop at tha same time! I ain't even brought up about how it blowed tha leaves in front er tha shooten bench.Been trying to figger out which end er tha thing is tha safest ter be on.He went out to tha WMA shooten range and after one shot everbody else left and this is fer real.He loves that dang rifle and I am happy for him.Pleases him,pleases me. Maybe its cause he had er compensator put on tha thang ter help with tha kicking reason its so loud.Fire comes outter that thangs barrel size er old Chev.hub cap and another streak what reminds me er lightening striking.  :roll: I am CAL.......

Offline OOBuckshot

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Hey I am Cal
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2002, 12:25:04 PM »
:)  Want to have some fun with your buddy? Hand him his rifle with an empty chamber and cocked. Tell him it is cocked and ready to go. Watch him when he pulls the trigger. If he don't have a magnum flinch, I will kiss either end of your dog. OOBuckshot

Offline JBabcock

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What's all the fuss with magnums?
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2002, 03:35:42 PM »
What's all the fuss about Magnums?

Because most of us grew up reading the gun mags. We had to have one, because they said we had to have one!

What a crock, I'm 41, (and a slow learner :wink:) and finally have begun to appreciate the merits of the 30-06. There is really very few situations where you need more gun for hunting. There are only 2 situations where I needed more gun and both were in Alaska.

Offline OOBuckshot

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What's all the fuss with magnums?
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2002, 07:05:29 AM »
JBabcock I don't know where you do most of your hunting. But  If you live another ten years, you might discover the virtues of a 270 and 257 Robert ak. Talk about being behind the learning curve. I have just recently discovered what fun a 6mm can be. I don't deer hunt with it because it was set up as a varmint rifle ( Ruger #1 with a 6.5-20x leupold ). So I hunt ground hogs with it. I did not get my 220 swift out last summer.


Offline swede7

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What's all the fuss with magnums?
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2002, 10:34:24 AM »
Well, no muss, no fuss... got my 7mm Rem mag because the price was way right, and I haven't been disappointed with it's performance, always a good thing! Do I need the extra velocity? No. Have I regretted having it? Nope, uh uh. No flinch, but then, I shoot it year round out to 400 yds, and when an ice cold one's on the line for best group, it gets real serious. To tell the truth, I've killed more whitetails with my bow, but gun season is a social thing, and even though there is always grief to lay on different caliber shoters, they all seem to work just fine. The new short mags? Just don't see the need, but rifle sales is a strange animal.
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