Author Topic: Still a pretty good place to live  (Read 462 times)

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Offline burntmuch

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Still a pretty good place to live
« on: February 08, 2009, 01:03:32 PM »
The country is going down the crapper .We,re doomed, Countrys going to hell in a hand basket. Thats all I read here anymore. Not sure what the average age is on here, but You would think its 90 & female. I do agree the country is in trouble ,& I think its gonna get a whole lot worse before too long But I do believe it will turn around. 5 years 10 years who knows. Why do I believe that, Cause Im 40 y/o & have3 young kids. I have to believe it, or whats the point. Another reason, We have an entire generation fighting a war right now. Wether the war is right or wrong, who knows.  But that generation realizes how good we have it here.
  So what do we do Lay down & die , Sell our asses to China, Or do we try & have some pride in our country,  Maybe stop buying  Crap from Walmart .Obama is not the end of this country. Maybe he,s the beginning, Maybe People will wake up to his smoke & mirrors. Our kids are,nt going to inherit the country we had. But they will have it better than most in this world. We,ll see. No offence is intended in this post, This is just the ramblings of a not so old guy( I stole that from Stimply) ;)
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Offline beerbelly

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Re: Still a pretty good place to live
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2009, 01:25:45 PM »
We have already sold  our asses to China. Walmart is not the only store that has nothing but Chinese crap. Go to any store and try to buy any thing for the house hold. Such as a can opener or anything else. They are all made in China.
  Obama Is the end of this country! You can Burie your head in the sand and pretend your kids are going to be OK. Well they are not. Neather are mine or my grand kids.  Truth is there is not one dam thing you or I can do about it.
 When the American people are so stupid as to vote in the same people that caused the economic  crash to fix it , there is no hope.

Offline Oldshooter

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Re: Still a pretty good place to live
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2009, 02:16:21 PM »
"Walmart is not the only store that has nothing but Chinese crap. Go to any store and try to buy any thing for the house hold. Such as a can opener or anything else. They are all made in China."

Yep and the reason for that is they all are catering to the buying public that would rather have cheap crap for a cheap price than pay a little extra for quality. Wally-world has driven all the mom and pop variety, hardware and sporting good stores out of every where  they operate. Not because they have better stuff but because its cheaper, and the buying public are cheapskates!

This country will survive OB1 but our children will be paying for the El torro do do for a long time and the do do is gonna get deeper because of the leftist agenda he is gonna put forth for the next 4 possibly 8 yrs! 

Personally I am still in shock that people voted for this crap, because they believed the propaganda that the media and the democratic party spewed out for the last 7 yrs.

It all goes to prove the  point that  someone made once that democracies are only mob rule! voters had Christ crucified and they elected Obama! neither was a great idea at the time but the Lord let the first one happen to save our souls. He may have let the second one happen because he was not happy about the way things are going here!

I have Grown children and grand children that I don't think will have the opportunities my father and i had because as a country we are selling them out!

As far as being 90 and female, not sure what you mean by that but my 80 year old mother  will be glad to discuss that with you.

What needs to happen is that all of this effort be used to tell the idiots in washington that we are mad as hell and we are not gonna take it anymore.

I send Emails to my Senators weekly expressing my revulsion to the idiocy going on there. I urge you all to do the same!

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Offline bilmac

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Re: Still a pretty good place to live
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2009, 07:26:06 PM »
Burnt  I hope you are right about the Veterns that are coming back from the desert. If there is any hope for the country it will be their doing. They are idealists who signed up even knowing that they were going to put their lives on the line. I hope that when they return that folks will see them for the heroes they are and insist that they become the next generation of politicians.

That is the only hope I can see for our country, If we aren't smart enough to let these kids have their chance to run the country, then I believe the doom and gloomers are right.

Offline alsaqr

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Re: Still a pretty good place to live
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2009, 01:56:28 AM »
  So what do we do Lay down & die , Sell our asses to China, Or do we try & have some pride in our country,  Maybe stop buying  Crap from Walmart .


The political pukes in DC on both sides of the aisle sold the US economy to China, lock stock and barrel.  Most of the folks who whine about "socialism" in the US are the first in line to buy cheap made in China trash at China Outlets.  Can no one see that we are paying for our own destruction at the hands of the communist Chinese army? 

Nearly everything sold in this country is made in communist China.  For months I tried to by a set of large drill bits to replace the ones that are worn out.  All i could find was cheap made in China drills.  Finally found a dusty made in the USA set at a surplus place.  Yep, I paid a premium price for those drills but they will outlast 5 sets of soft made in communist China  junk. 

The only way it will ever change is to stop the silly a$$ed divisive political bickering over feel good crap
and elect representatives who will take our country back from the communist Chinese. 


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Re: Still a pretty good place to live
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2009, 04:08:36 AM »
Pretty much everything stated so far is true with few exceptions.
We do need to change.
We need to change Government, our way of thinking & our way of living.
People believe that it is someone elses problem to fix.
When someone new comes along spouting new ideas they automatically think that is the answere without stopping to think for themselves.
I listened to what the boy had to say and it wasn't to hard to conclude that his way wasn't the answere.
People didn't care about that.
He was new, he was different, (in more ways than one).

The most blacks voted this time than any other election in the history.
WHY, because he was of their race, not that he was the best for the job.
Heck I would guess half didn't even care what his ideas were.
It was their chance to make a statement regardless what happen to the country.

The Dem's voted for the boy because he was from their side.
Some Rep's voted for him because they really wanted a change or new that they were up for re-election soon and didn't want to get the ill will of the other side.

Some didn't vote because they felt the boy was going to win anyway.
They were right!
They were FOOLS, but they were right.

Untill this country can get their heads out of their &#& and start seeing and careing what is going on it will never change.
How we can get that to happen I am not sure but I think it all starts with the next election of Congress.
We have to make the changes there first before we can make a change anywhere.

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Offline rex6666

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Re: Still a pretty good place to live
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2009, 05:32:31 AM »
I have a feeling that all the folks OSHAMA has lied to understands that he is backing up on the promises he made to them things will change.

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Offline powderman

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Re: Still a pretty good place to live
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2009, 05:43:00 AM »
The United States of America is no doubt the best place in the world to live. We waste more food in a day than many nations eat in a month, we have more and appreciate it less than any nation on earth. We have become a nation of GIMMMMEEESSS. We have become soft and too PC. I believe that osama will be the downfall of our great nation. He has already laid the grounwork to help his muslim friends and destroy America as we know it. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
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Offline Badnews Bob

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Re: Still a pretty good place to live
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2009, 07:30:58 AM »
I've been most of the way around this chunk of dirt we live on and there is noplace nicer than right here in the USA, But something has got to be done about politicans and lawyers. And the panhandlers.
Badnews Bob
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Re: Still a pretty good place to live
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2009, 07:38:48 AM »
But something has got to be done about politicans and lawyers. And the panhandlers.

I thought they were the same! :D ;D
At least they are when it comes to our money!!!

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That my two young sons may never have to know the horrors of war. 

I will stand for your rights as my forefathers did before me!
My thanks to those who have, are and will stand for mine!
To those in the military, I salute you!

LONGTOM 9-25-07

Offline Badnews Bob

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Re: Still a pretty good place to live
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2009, 09:30:51 AM »
I think your right Tom. Sadly enuff. :(
Badnews Bob
AE-2 USN retired