Rifle scope with out an Adjustable Objective usually have the parallex set for 100-150 yards, depending on brand. These scopes that are basically used for mid-range big game hunting. Scopes with Adjustable Objectives are usually for long distance shooting and/or varmint type hunting. With a scope without an AO, the close you get to the object the harder it is to focus on the target. That is why a AO usually starts are 10-20 yards, for those close up shots and has high yards at the other end of the spectrum. Allowing the shooter to focus on the target at many different distance, with just a turn of the AO. Same thing with longer distances, the farther you are away, the harder it is to focus on the object. Also, a typical rimfire scope the parallex is set for a closer distance, 60-80 yards. Due to the limited distance a rimfire is fired, the smaller parallex helps eliminate the focus problems.
P.S. After reading the question again, I guess I was doing a lot of babbling! :oops: