I have an old Thompson/Center Book. This information is out of section. "Making .30Herrett and .357Herrett Cartridge Cases for the Contender"
"Start the case forming operation by setting the end of the full length sizing die 1/4 inch from the top of the shell holder when the press is closed. Lubricate and size a test case. Trim to overall length of 1.750 inches for the .357 Herrett; chamfer neck opening inside and outside. The test case with preliminary sizing will be two long for the Contender and final sizing should be done as follows. Reset the full length sizing die down 1/8 turn (or less) at a time untill a sized case will allow the Contender to close completely and freely with no interference from the cartridge case. Dry fire a perfectly sized case and check to be sure the hammer strikes and rests against the firing pin. Successive .30-30 cases can be completely sized (except trimming and chambering) in one operation after correct die setting is obtained on test cartrige cases."
For my .30Herrett I had a little interference from the cartridge case. I had to close the gun a little hard. With that I did not have missfires. When I tested new brass I loaded a primer in the empty case and fired it.
Sorry that this is long but it is out of the book. :-D