Author Topic: 357sig uses  (Read 1453 times)

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Offline jamaldog87

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357sig uses
« on: February 10, 2009, 08:21:52 AM »
some time ago i asked about the 357Sig. well i found out some uses for it. I asked some who used the same gun to both CCW and kill hogs and he says it a 357mag in a auto gun. stopping power is about the same but because of of the light bullet it stays in it target leave all it's power there. It's more of a rural/city round cause it can stop animals up to a black bear and can  stop people 85% with one round. It does have a lot of flash and kick but for both 4 and 2 legged  defense it the best round and it better then a 40 S&W or 10mm for cougar defense.
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Offline John R.

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Re: 357sig uses
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2009, 09:27:09 AM »
Who declared the 357 SIG as the "BEST" round for 2 or 4 legged creatures? Kid, you need to buy a gun and get some experience with it, instead of posting somebody else's opinion all of the time. ::)

Offline jamaldog87

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Re: 357sig uses
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2009, 10:17:23 AM »
it's better than the 10mm or 40s&W and becuase it about the same size as a 9mm and can come in guns the size of small 9mm. also what gun do you think can both kill something like a black bear or cougar  and can be used for carry in a city that a auto?? maybe best was not the right word but it's very good.
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Offline John R.

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Re: 357sig uses
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2009, 11:06:50 AM »
Who said it's better than a 10mm or 40 S&W, (especially for black bear or cougar, I would think the 10mm would be much better than the 357 SIG). Bigger holes generally are better than smaller holes, especially on game. Buy a gun and get some experience with it, then you will know what works.

Offline williamlayton

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Re: 357sig uses
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2009, 11:26:15 AM »
The .357 Sig is a potent piece of lead, traveling much faster than a 10mm and penetration is very good.
It is the choice of a lot of law enforcement and my 239 is a joy too carry.
The cougar I would not worry about and a black bear I would be concerned about even with a 10mm.
Moot point about getting use too it, that is a primary thing for even a .22 Blackhawk.
Choices, you live with the ones you decide on.

Offline jamaldog87

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Re: 357sig uses
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2009, 05:49:36 AM »
The .357 Sig is a potent piece of lead, traveling much faster than a 10mm and penetration is very good.
It is the choice of a lot of law enforcement and my 239 is a joy too carry.
The cougar I would not worry about and a black bear I would be concerned about even with a 10mm.
Moot point about getting use too it, that is a primary thing for even a .22 Blackhawk.
Choices, you live with the ones you decide on.

well said. i used to have a lot of cash before i could lawful own a handgun. Anyways i asked my mom to buy some handguns for me for hunting and shooting and then when i was 21 she could sell them back to me. And before you call straw buy she had the handguns at all times and the only time i could use them is when she unlocked them from the case so i could shoot them. I had a colt  MKIV/series 70 45acp and i shot it a lot but i really did not like it(should have got a glock) , i also used to shoot a 454 and loved that, and the lasted which was just sold was a Beretta 1934 .380. which for me was the best gun i ever had. it's light, i can very easly put rounds on target fast with it and  i just love that gun. I should have never sold that gun :'(

but one thing about the sig is there not as many gun in 357sig as there are other rounds and the ammo cost a lot(the one i saw was had 2 set of barrel, one 357sig and the other 40 S&W) and ever like something diffent.

I used the detroit PD city norgue report on stopping power when choose guns for woods carry.
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Offline jamaldog87

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Re: 357sig uses
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2009, 06:53:50 AM »
the 357sig is also a flat shooting round and it requires only minor hold over adjustments from 25 yards to 50 yards.
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Offline John R.

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Re: 357sig uses
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2009, 07:57:24 AM »
How many black bears and cougars were in the Detroit PD morgue report? The 357 SIG is a good round, but would not be my first choice especially with your black bear-cougar scenerio. How can you pick a woods gun based on a morgue report from a metropolitan CITY?

Offline jamaldog87

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Re: 357sig uses
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2009, 10:17:04 AM »
what has the best stopping power on a high felon are the same guns that work just as well on a cougar scenario, also i like to carry one gun for both city and woods. in the report the best rounds for people stopping were the 357mag,44Sp, and 45long. they had the highs one shot stopping power numbers. That why i was talking about the 357Sig(it has the stopping power of a 357mag)is a good people and cougar gun.
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Offline BrianU

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Re: 357sig uses
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2009, 10:27:11 AM »
I will not argue the ability of the .357 Sig against two-legged critters, but when it comes to actual hunting, you are stepping into something that I know a thing or two about.  I do not know anyone that hunts with a .357 Sig, but check out the Handgun Hunting forum here and you will find plenty of successful deer hunts with a .357 Magnum.  This will also bring to light the first problem with the Sig being a serious hunting round and especially when we are talking about something like a bear, light bullets.  As far as it being better than the 10mm, its not even in the same ball park.  Buy the hottest stuff loaded, for example DoubleTap, and compare the availability of suitable hunting loads and respective power.  As far as carrying in the field, issues normally associated with carrying on the street go out the window.  Compared to what I normally hunt with, a Glock 20 is very small and compact.


Offline Empty Quiver

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Re: 357sig uses
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2009, 10:55:10 AM »
Reportedly the .357sig is the only auto round with one shot kills on UFO's. Many also report that you can shoot through a early 70's sedan and still drop a felon all hopped up on "reefers". But when it comes to a hiking gun to stop the 4 legged critters, nothing less than a Contender in .458win mag will do. Sure you say, that just ain't possible... but try it once and you will agree.

jamaldog you are always thinking out of the box, do you have a plan for stopping .338lupua rounds from a sniper at the mall? This is something that haunts me and brings me out of a deep sleep shivering. While you are pondering would you also devote some time to the tinfoil hat question that has plagued mankind, shiney side in or out?
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Offline John R.

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Re: 357sig uses
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2009, 02:15:36 AM »
One shot stopping numbers are intresting to look at, but people make to much out of em. Put a good quality bullet where it's supposed to go, and generally you will have good results. Put it somewhere else and your mileage will vary. This is also the reason I don't carry a single shot, if the 1st round don't get it done, repeat as necessary!!! ;D

Offline jimster

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Re: 357sig uses
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2009, 10:10:51 AM »
a 357 sig is not a .357 mag in an auto pistol, truth is a 357 mag is much more.  A 357 sig is a pretty zippy little round though, and it does shoot flatter than some other auto pistol rounds.  Personally after all these years of shooting I like bigger heavier bullets myself, but like was mentioned above, it's where the bullet ends up that counts the most.  Yes people have killed balck bears and cougers with 22's as well, but it's not recommended by anyone.  Man, 357 sig ammo is expensive around here...! 

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: 357sig uses
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2009, 10:51:51 AM »
I really do not want to get sucked into this but here I go,
The 357 Sig is a 40S&W necked down to 9mm and was designed to mimic the 125 grain HP 357 mag self defence loads.  It was never designed to do the hot Magnum stuff or the medium game hunting.  Will it work.  Yep!  Was it designed for it.... Not really.
The 357 Sig is the most sucessful attempt to get to 357 Mag levels in an Auto.  38 Super was one of the first and then you have 356 and others. 
Now the 40 S&W case is made by shortening the 10mm from 45 ACP length to 9X19 length to allow the 40 to be used in popular 9mm frames of the wonder 9 era (The late 80's to mid 90's) When we were given the Glock 17, Sig P226, Ruger P85, and Beretta 92FS and all of the models that chopped and bobbed those basic frames.
When the 357 Sig came out I was a big fan.  I too thought it was Lightning in my hand.  but really all it is, is a 120 to 150 FPS faster 9X19 or 38 super (also uses 9mm bullets) Any and all (380, 38 Spl, 9X19, 357 Sig, 38 Super, 357 Mag, 40 S&W, 10 MM, 41 mag, 44 Spl, 45 ACP, and 45 Colt) all make great self defense guns most can also be used to hunt small to medium game as well.

Offline Mohawk

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Re: 357sig uses
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2009, 11:11:29 AM »
  When the .357 Sig is loaded and reliable with a Semi-Jacketed Hollow Point(top half of bullet is soft swaged lead above the cannelure), then it will equal a .357 Magnum.

Offline helotaxi

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Re: 357sig uses
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2009, 02:12:19 AM »
If you look at velocities in similar bullet weights, the .357 Sig is not as capable as the .357 Mag, and the Mag has the choice of stepping up to heavier bullets as well.  Comparing to the 10mm...there is no comparison.  The 10mm throws a heavier bullet faster and it makes a bigger hole.  The only argument for the .357 Sig is that its recoil is more manageable; I'd personally choose the .40 if that was my concern, but a basic 9mm is plenty for me.  Any gun is better than no gun and a gun in an adequate caliber that you can shoot is better than a hand-cannon that has you wincing just thinking about pulling the trigger.  IMHO the .357 Sig is about as useful as the .45 GAP.  Both were meant to emulate the ballistics of a popular and effective cartridge in a different platform, neither were really necessary and both are expensive to shoot and difficult to find ammo for.

Finally, you cannot form .357 Sig brass from .40 S&W brass, the necking down of the case will leave it too short.  Likewise you can't make either .357 Sig or .40 S&W brass from 10mm brass because the 10mm uses a large primer and the other two use small primers.