I am loading 38 spl, 3.9gr Unique in one batch and 4.0 gr in a second batch. First time using the Uniflow. Followed directions and ran about 1/2 lb of powder through it. Ran my first loads to be as close to 3.6gr as I could get it then wanted to weigh the charge and trickle up to 3.9 or 4.0.
That measuring screw confuses me, do you set the measurement as the mark under the lock nut, which is the only mark you can see, or above the lock nut but you cannot see that once it is tightened down? I set it as the mark under it only to get very high readings. I finally moved it between 0 and 1 by the mark under the lock nut, which threw a charge of 3.6 gr.
Secondly, throwing the powder into the cup for the scale resulted in a small amount of powder flying out all over the bench top. Whats the correct way to do this? Is it the Unique which is flake shaped or am i messing up?