you know what i live in an area where there is a huge Black population along with a lot of other than white races . It has always been friction here at least for a few . We had a Black govnor , a black mayor a black police chief . They had to deal with the same problems the white people in those positions did . What I hear around here is the Black people gave the president a chance . They truely wanted change , they want a fair chance not a hand out . Many seem to see things like Bill Cosby has talked about . Many Black people see wealfare as a form of slavery . If the political leaders don't wake up and realize that minorities want to get educated and have jobs because they can do them not as a hand out hell will be paid in the next election . Yes the Black population has a silent majority also . has anyone checked who gets wealfare ? how do whites rank ? Its a problem for all races . Want to stop the problems in our country ? PUT MORALITY BACK IN GOVT., IN SCHOOLS AND MOVIES , CABLE TV , SATLITE TV , RADIO AND LIFE IN GENERAL !
if "O" can do all that and leaves guns and right wing radio alone maybe i'll vote for him next time .