Author Topic: Tips for milking the system?  (Read 826 times)

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Tips for milking the system?
« on: February 12, 2009, 04:33:31 PM »
I think all of us have heard of people on welfare that were pretty well to do. Everyone seems to have a story about seeing a guy in a Cadillac drive into town to pick up his welfare check.

So what are the tricks? How to we make the big bucks while on the dole? Is there a way of extending unemployment checks, welfare, food stamps, all of it. I don't even know what all of the stuff is.

I do have a friend that was "downsized" out of a good paying job and he collects enough money for me to live pretty comfortably on. I haven't asked him how he does it.
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Re: Tips for milking the system?
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2009, 04:46:46 PM »
Why don't we ask congress, they have been doing it most of their lives!
Except the boy.
He is fairly new at it but he sure learns quick!

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Offline gdolby

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Re: Tips for milking the system?
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2009, 10:49:15 PM »
Good day, I think the majority of folks here are wage earners or former wage earners and now try to survive on what they broke their backs over for years. Try to get in touch with the single mother that just added 8 more kids to her brood of 6 ( if memory serves me correct). I am sure she can give you much better pointers. Another idea might be is learn some spanish and roll around in used coffee grounds and go down to the local office.............repeat no habla engles a few times and you might be well on your way..........Bill

Offline jlwilliams

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Re: Tips for milking the system?
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2009, 12:41:49 AM »
  A former coworker of mine was living in a seasonal motel that catered to that end of the spectrum.  If the tourists who stayed there in the summer knew what went on there in the off season.... but I digress.  Many of the people living there in the winter were then 'homeless' during the summer, I say that in quotes because they were homeless in the sense that they took advantage of all the freebees available to the homeless.  Free rent or rent paid by the state or others, free food, cash, on and on.  He told me one time that I should go over and hang out for a while, these people know all the hustles and if I came over I would learn allot.  I have a family to go home to after work so I never found the time to hang out with them, but I'm sure it would have been an eye opener.  Many of the stories he told about the goings on at The Blue Star Motel aren't fit to be repeated here.

Offline rparsons934

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Re: Tips for milking the system?
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2009, 02:32:29 AM »
I think all of us have heard of people on welfare that were pretty well to do. Everyone seems to have a story about seeing a guy in a Cadillac drive into town to pick up his welfare check.

So what are the tricks? How to we make the big bucks while on the dole? Is there a way of extending unemployment checks, welfare, food stamps, all of it. I don't even know what all of the stuff is.

I do have a friend that was "downsized" out of a good paying job and he collects enough money for me to live pretty comfortably on. I haven't asked him how he does it.

I grew up on welfare. They are actually pretty strict on who they let receive it. But in the sense of how much you make a year. My friend growing up family was broke. So they had to struggle but the government told them they make to much money. There is million and millions of unused welfare money a year. (unless it goes in politicians pockets). But welfare isn't exactly the easy living for children. In my case my mother was a drunk so all the money/food stamps were sold for boose/beer. This is a very common problem. The only help it truly provided was a roof over my head when my mother couldn't. It was to the point to when I was 12 yrs old I had to do bad things to get money to eat. I'm sure this is a common problem amongst welfare people. Because I'm sure my mother wasn't the only one doing this. There rant really any ways to "milk" the system that i know about except be either lazy, a drunk, or a addict. (theres always combinations to.) However people that do really well on welfare are useally working under the table or selling drugs. However I'm sure there are people that know the system real well and milk it for everything. Then these people get so used to not having to do anything it will effect them forever. Ex. I'm 20 years old i make 3times if not more as much money as my mother. She only can get low paying jobs. She is off welfare because I am the youngest and it stops when you dint have children to tend to. But welfare just puts people in the mode or the habit of not working. You know what they say old habits are hard to break. It Ultimately hurts them (and us tax payers) in the end. Or at least that has been my experience.
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Offline paul63

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Re: Tips for milking the system?
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2009, 03:08:36 AM »
There's a guy that lives down the road from us, that hasn't worked in years. He so-called "hurt his back" about 10 yrs ago while "working". He sued & got a good settlement & now draws disability. All summer he can fish, jetski & mud ride on a 4-wheeler. During hunting season he can climb a deer stand & drag a deer out of the woods, but the SOB can't work for a living!

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Re: Tips for milking the system?
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2009, 03:24:07 AM »
Paul...Get some pictures of this guy in action. ;D

Offline Heather

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Re: Tips for milking the system?
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2009, 03:44:52 AM »
more kids = more $ /  The less $ you have the more $ they give ya.  So the best way to milk the system is to have a bunch of kids and not work a day in your life.  You will be given govt housing, food stamps, utility assistance, and heck they will even throw in some spending $ for ya!

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Offline rparsons934

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Re: Tips for milking the system?
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2009, 03:53:31 AM »
As Long as you can stand living in govt housing projects. Lord knows I hated it and would never do it again or let my children live there.
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Offline farmallgirl

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Re: Tips for milking the system?
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2009, 03:15:44 PM »
As a former eligibility worker for Social Services, I would like to chime in on this topic.  True many people abuse the system but there is always that one person that benefits from the services offered and that is what becomes the only good thing about the job.  You become so thick skinned and start to believe that no one tells the truth anymore.  What saddens me the most is the little old lady who gets $10.00 in food stamps because her social security check puts her almost over the poverty limit but the young lady with no job but the ability to work if she would get her lazy butt off the couch gets enough food stamps to actually live on for a month.  At least in recent years the government has caught onto the more kids more money deal and started to cap children if you already on welfare. In other words if you are getting a check and have another kid, that kid gets no check and very limited medical benefits.  The tip if anyone really wants to know is to not marry "baby's daddy". Sure let him ride around in the caddy and as long as you can say we don't live together we ain't married you can get your benefits and because he is selling drugs and not reporting that to the local Employment Commission, Child Support Enforcement can't garnish those wages. Yeah the system is great and works don't it.

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: Tips for milking the system?
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2009, 04:13:30 PM »
The system is for those that need it.  And i do not think anyone would want to stop people that need help from getting it.
What makes tax payers mad is when people milk the system.  there was a guy in our club that was milking the system.  When he told me about it and asked me to help him hide the fact he no longer need disability, I not only refused to help but called the Post office whistler blowers line and reported him.  I understand if you get hurt and need help to get back on your feet.  Not a problem but to be sucking up my tax dollars because you do not want to work is not an excuse.  This idiot did not want to go back to work because he would have to put his daughter into child care after school.  i commend that he wants to stay home with her while mommy is the bread winner but not at my expense.  I also think if you are getting a check you need to do something for it.  Rotate from watching other peoples kids while they go out to look for a job, take classes, and pick up litter in local parks and cover grafitti till you get a job.  Make it so that they are unhappy doing things to get the check or they can get the skills to get a job that pays more and once they get a job they get wheened off the government rolls a little at a time.  10% a month.  once they are off they are only allowed back on twice more.
It would keep them from collecting a check, living in gov housing and part of the drug trades or the gang problem.

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Re: Tips for milking the system?
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2009, 04:31:18 PM »
"The tip if anyone really wants to know is to not marry "baby's daddy" "

Well that's no problem for people nowadays " marry" is not even in the dictionary.

Everyday I hear about women that are pregnant and thinking about when they will get married its like they have it all bassackwards. They bed down at the drop of a hat and get on welfare when they get prego. There should be a paternity test to get welfare for a pregnant woman then the new Pappy can foot the bill!
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Re: Tips for milking the system?
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2009, 05:16:29 PM »
There's a guy that lives down the road from us, that hasn't worked in years. He so-called "hurt his back" about 10 yrs ago while "working". He sued & got a good settlement & now draws disability. All summer he can fish, jetski & mud ride on a 4-wheeler. During hunting season he can climb a deer stand & drag a deer out of the woods, but the SOB can't work for a living!

Where exactly do you live???

This sounds like exactly like a guy that lives down the road from me! And while thos SOB isnt out fishing or hunting or spliting wood and what not he loves to look down his nose at others and make more and more babies for wlefare to support.
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Re: Tips for milking the system?
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2009, 05:34:14 PM »
Call the whistle blowers number and offer to testify as to his activities.  Also call the local news.  After a while it will get sorted out.  I think the guy I called on, had to pay restitution to the system for his last year on the dole.

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Re: Tips for milking the system?
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2009, 10:30:28 AM »
 thats the part thats hard for tell on somebody.. to get into thier buisiness..
just hard for me to do..then if i do ..what if i find out he was just ashamed to admit he was,just plain not able to cut a working job anymore..
  if i was still able ..i just about rather whupim as tell not disabled just a bit long in the tooth. i used to work for myself.. now im a security guard for a few more months..but thier are folks who couldn t even do that..i work with a young 37 yr. ole fella that busted his back doing saw mill work..he looks just fine but he has to do what i do..
62 comin up in may for me..slim
 ps never drawed a dime of welfare just aint the way i was raised..
 that s.s. money aint govt money its mine already ,an if you been payin s.s.
all you life its yours.. we ll see if i get any of it....


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Re: Tips for milking the system?
« Reply #15 on: February 18, 2009, 11:43:26 AM »
Welfare started out as a noble idea, give someone that is down on their luck a helping hand until they get back on their feet. Unfortunately a lot of welfare recipients have no intention of ever getting back on their feet, or on their feet in the first place.

I dated a girl in my youth that was a single mother. She was getting food stamps and was going to school to become a nurse. She did it and you can respect someone like that.




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Re: Tips for milking the system?
« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2009, 12:11:14 PM »
Next door neighbor is living off FEMA- moved here from new orleans after losing his house in katrina. Also hurt his back in a car accident, so he says. the SWAT team has raided his house twice already, they must be trying to catch him working?-lol. He told me one night (after a few cocktails) that they were looking for drugs, but didn't find any.

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Re: Tips for milking the system?
« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2009, 01:12:09 PM »
Ha Ha Ha ;D ;D ;D
Get with the new program.
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