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Offline buckfever 1

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2009 Ridgeline and engine
« on: February 14, 2009, 05:05:21 PM »
Honda made some changes on the V-6 in the Ridgeline with a new cam and intakes.  This was suppose to increase bottom end torque.  Has anyone been able to see if this is noticeable difference?  I thought someone might have traded from an earlier Ridgeline to a 2009 and could address the question.

Thanks  Buckfever

Offline Ahab

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Re: 2009 Ridgeline and engine
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2009, 07:30:21 AM »
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Re: 2009 Ridgeline and engine
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2009, 10:50:35 AM »
i cant see taking that off road where i go, that would be like driving our ford taurus, Clearance wise.

Offline mirage1988

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Re: 2009 Ridgeline and engine
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2009, 06:17:07 PM »
How do them japanese deer taste buckfever? My chev 6.0 liter doesn't need a cam and intake change. If you call yourself American-Buy American! Your Job Depends On It!

Offline OLDHandgunner

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Re: 2009 Ridgeline and engine
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2009, 12:46:20 AM »
My wifes 2007 Honda Ridgeline was made in the USA. My 2000 Dodge Diesel was assembled in Mexico. ???
Don't question me about being an American.

Offline R.W.Dale

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Re: 2009 Ridgeline and engine
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2009, 01:40:10 AM »
How do them japanese deer taste buckfever? My chev 6.0 liter doesn't need a cam and intake change. If you call yourself American-Buy American! Your Job Depends On It!

how quaint and I thought the 1950's way of thinking was dead.

Funny a couple months ago my Job was fabricating roof trusses for of all things a Honda plant in Indiana. Got a big on time bonus for that one..........have yet to build ANYTHING for GM, Ford or Chrysler. Of course any new plants they might build are all located in 3rd world contries. For the betterment of the American worker of course.

Yep BUY american,  BMW, Nissan, Honda ect

Offline teddy12b

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Re: 2009 Ridgeline and engine
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2009, 02:28:22 AM »
You might want to add KIA to the list of american cars now.  They are starting to build plants in the US while the "Big 3" are cutting jobs left & right.

Offline R.W.Dale

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Re: 2009 Ridgeline and engine
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2009, 01:30:18 AM »
You might want to add KIA to the list of american cars now.  They are starting to build plants in the US while the "Big 3" are cutting jobs left & right.

notice how the Big three's job cuts only effect the American workforce and you never hear of em laying off large portions of  their Mexican employees 

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: 2009 Ridgeline and engine
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2009, 02:31:06 AM »
yup but where do the ceos of that company that are taking about 3/4s of the profits live. IN JAPAN. I wont argue that they also bring money to the US and employee thousands but its not a pimple on the ass of what gm ford and chrysler employes and the money those companys employees bring to our economy. buy what you want and you shouldnt feel you have to justify it. this is a free country. AT LEAST FOR THE TIME BEING!!!
My wifes 2007 Honda Ridgeline was made in the USA. My 2000 Dodge Diesel was assembled in Mexico. ???
Don't question me about being an American.
blue lives matter

Offline R.W.Dale

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Re: 2009 Ridgeline and engine
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2009, 10:59:50 AM »
yup but where do the ceos of that company that are taking about 3/4s of the profits live. IN JAPAN. I wont argue that they also bring money to the US and employee thousands but its not a pimple on the ass of what gm ford and chrysler employes and the money those companys employees bring to our economy. buy what you want and you shouldnt feel you have to justify it. this is a free country. AT LEAST FOR THE TIME BEING!!!
My wifes 2007 Honda Ridgeline was made in the USA. My 2000 Dodge Diesel was assembled in Mexico. ???
Don't question me about being an American.

Our Economy Lives and dies on JOBS JOBS JOBS

Simple question

One company was cutting thier american workforce even when profits were to be had

and another is putting more and more americans to work even in tough times

which do you support? and which deserves support from true THINKING patriots

 Where the Corprate profits go don't mean squat beyond more tax revenues OBHOMA's shocalist agenda.   It staggeres me at just how little the average person understands about even the most basic economics. Thank you public education!
 It's the american worker's payroll that drives our consumer based economy, not some CEO in detroit who'll jump ship as soon as greener pastures are to be found. And forget about the share holders the ONLY thing that matters to them is tomorrows stock price.

You buy a Honda Ridgeline or a Silverado built by americans you've done equally well for the american economy. So can we leave the Luddite holier than thou 70's union BS talking points in the last mellinium where they belong.

and another thing

Why is the auto industry the only thing these "patroiots" seem to be worried about? Everything else from their socks to this compuiter screen is made by other than Amaricans yet they don't seem to care. Is some fella screwing on door panels in  yankee land more deserving of a job than those American workers employed in  the industries of Electronics, Textile, Tools building materials ect ect

Offline teddy12b

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Re: 2009 Ridgeline and engine
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2009, 02:33:11 AM »
I understand the argument about people getting preachy about buying US named cars.  It's a big purchase and a huge investment, but I would have to agree that I don't hear people complaining about what kind of TV you have or what kind of microwave you have, or where your shoes & socks were made. 

What blows me away in all this is that we have the Big three showing up in corporate jets to ask for money, then we have the KIA's building new plants in this country and offering warranties that blow away every other car maker out there.  I'd like to see the big three put some responsibility & craftsman’s pride behind what they build and have the same warranty a KIA does.  Sure when KIA's came out they were a little rough looking, but if you look at the new ones, they are very nice and ride like a dream.