The locking notches in Ruger cylinders are offset from the centerline of the revolver, and cylinder which gives them more strength in that area. The base pin is also stronger than the crane set up on a standard double action.......... Ruger beefed that up on the Redhawk / Super Redhawks. I've read some articles by Brian Pearce, and others that make a lot of sense when loading for these guns. I would load a New Vaquero to the 16,000-19,000 psi level, and perhaps to the .45 ACP +P levels occassionally, but I certainly wouldn't go over that. You can get 1000 fps + with most reasonable bullets at the 19,000 psi level, and that is more that adequate for most anything you would need to do with a gun like that. If I wanted more for certain purposes, I would get a bigger, heavier, and stronger gun.