Author Topic: Total lead ban California  (Read 712 times)

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Offline hawaii50

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Total lead ban California
« on: February 17, 2009, 04:07:11 AM »
  Our F&G department is trying to vote on this without any public input.
 I think reloader's [like me] and Cowboy shooters [like me] better start calling and writing to these folks to let them know who keeps them in business.
  Please help out, it's our sports that we are wanting to save.

Offline cwlongshot

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Re: Total lead ban California
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2009, 04:42:33 AM »
Its been coming for some time..

 Local to me here a great shotgun legacy was ended some 20 years back, partly to this lead issue.

 Remington gun club @ LORDSHIP in Stratford Connecticut. They shot out over long Island sound and it was said that there was FEET of lead on the bottom of the ocean.

 We are seeing it in the fishing circles as well. Many inland waters now do not allow lead sinkers.

 I feel we need to be more PRO active than RE active. It may already be too late. Coming from a defensive position against such strong opposition is a daunting task... JMHO

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Offline PigBoy Crabshaw

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Re: Total lead ban California
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2009, 06:54:36 AM »
hawaii50, where are you located? I'm in N.California (Walnut Creek)
Yes, after getting the budget mess outta the way I'm sure there going to take this lead ban up.
From what I understand it's hunting loads. The tree huggers started this nonsence about the California condor's eggs shell being to thin because of lead a few years ago and a lead ban has been in place in there range, mostly in Southern California. I've heard rumblings of this in the whole state. Funny thing is I don't know anyone who gut shoots there intended target animal! There claim is that the condors are eating the lead at gut piles. I call BS on California F&G ...AGAIN! Or govanaitor (Arnold) is also screwing up the SF bay delta by again allowing more water to be sent to S. Cal via the California aquaduct. -gary
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Offline hawaii50

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Re: Total lead ban California
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2009, 08:43:04 AM »
  Hey Pig Boy,
 I'm in San Diego, this one is state wide and all lead not just hunting loads.
   It's F&G thats up to this trick.
 Send them a letter and e-mail. They are telling people it is not up for a vote yet, thats true but once they vote.  It will be 3 to 1 against us.
  Please get the word out to all our brothers and sisters about this rip off.

Offline PigBoy Crabshaw

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Re: Total lead ban California
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2009, 10:36:22 AM »
I don't think they can tell you what to shoot on the range at targets! Or have I missed your point?
F&G can only enforce whats used as far as hunting goes like no FMJ or hollow points for game animals like deer/pig. All I can say is that F&G better watch there P's and Q's. I have a lot for friends and there is a new movement in CA that vowing to never buy a hunting or fishing licence in this state again. I may just start going back out of state to Nevada or Arizona again to hunt and fish. F&G can't even police the regs on there books now. There's so much poaching going on in this state and to few of them to enforce there laws. Even why they do catch some of these boat people taking 1000+ fish a night, they get a slap on the wrist. With a lot of people not paying the licence fee's will hurt F&G where it hurts the most,in there pocket book and the number of F&G officers working. Which by the way also funds habitat, restoration and as many tree huggers will not admit, allows for a better conservation of fish and game. -g
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Offline torpedoman

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Re: Total lead ban California
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2009, 01:51:21 PM »
can they afford the gas to send a cop out to see what you are shooting?
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Offline mangulator

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Re: Total lead ban California
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2009, 02:14:51 PM »
Wow, with economy the way it is in California and all over you would think they could dwell on more important issues... ::)

Offline victorcharlie

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Re: Total lead ban California
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2009, 03:03:26 PM »
There seems to be a problem with priorities in the Peoples Republic of California. 

Is it me or do other people feel like they must be living in a bizzaro world?  Seems all traditional values are now upside down and backward?

What the heck happened?
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Offline cwlongshot

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Re: Total lead ban California
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2009, 02:09:50 AM »
There seems to be a problem with priorities in the Peoples Republic of California. 

Is it me or do other people feel like they must be living in a bizzaro world?  Seems all traditional values are now upside down and backward?

What the heck happened?

....LIBERALS happened as well as a warped evaluation on what is "PC".

"Political Correctness is a doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical liberal, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end." ; UNKNOWN

JMHO.... ::) ;D

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Offline wncchester

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Re: Total lead ban California
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2009, 04:26:13 AM »
The fears of "lead" are as silly as that of "global warming".  "Scientists" live by proclaiming the sky is falling so they can obtain federal grant money to "study" the possible problem.  Once they have committed themselves to a postition it would damage their credibility to admit they were wrong so they tend to form protective circles around themselves.  Remember, it wasn't only the church leaders that loudly protested against the round earth theory! 

But, no gov. agency ever lost anything from being silly.  Taking steps such as a state wide lead ban is an ideal way to "prove to the citizens" they are on the job, dilegently protecting folks.  And the little animals of the air and fields too.  All at state expense of course.  But, it beats working for a living, right?
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Offline kiddekop

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Re: Total lead ban California
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2009, 08:02:35 PM »
  Our F&G department is trying to vote on this without any public input.
 I think reloader's [like me] and Cowboy shooters [like me] better start calling and writing to these folks to let them know who keeps them in business.
  Please help out, it's our sports that we are wanting to save.
It's the Fish & Game Commission appointed by the GOV who are making the rules but 3 of them are there to represent their antihunting,antishooting & antifirearms friends not the archers & hunters who pay the bills.My 22 rifles & pellet rifles will be worthless no ammo that's not lead,game code say a pellet rifle of .20 caliber or larger is legal for taking non migrating birds in CA that will go out also.These guys  are out of touch .I called the directors office about the lead ban & the woman who answered kept telling me it was the condor zone not the whole state,she then stated it wasn't on the commission agenda however when I read Western Outdoor News  Commission Rogers brought up the lead ban item he's in favor of,can't trust anyone in this state government .

Offline zoner

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Re: Total lead ban California
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2009, 03:53:48 AM »
I live in San Diego and although a total lead ban follows no good reasoning it does NOT mean it won't be enacted here...The CA fish and game is run by enviros who bought there way in by supporting former gov Gray Davis,then they pushed and got passed the Marine Resources Protection Act. We booted Davis and Arnold came along and appointed the same enviros to the F+G Commision and the commitee that would "decide" which fishing areas "needed" to be closed. These decisions are being based on opinion and emotion, not science or hard facts. The end result is people are buying hunting and fishing licenses and these kooks are using the money to try to take it away from us.I personally will not buy a fishing license and while i realize i have lost alot of my favorite pastime i cannot support this philosophically....sorry about the soap box.......Mike