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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #30 on: February 18, 2009, 09:39:16 AM »
in one word BANKERS
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline rparsons934

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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #31 on: February 18, 2009, 09:40:04 AM »
Terrorists ARE IN DC.  >:(

NOT quite correctly stated. In truth the TERROISTS are the folks who are running DC.

Guys you really are still not getting it. You are falling into their trap just as they intend for you to. You are believing too darmn much of the BS propaganda they are still feeding you by the shovel full. Ya need to open your eyes to the bigger picture here.

BIG MONEY interests, the Illuminati call them what you wish are running the world these days not just the US. Russia and China strike me as being possible maybe even likely exceptions to this. The rest of the "so called free world" are under their control. If you think the politicians in DC are interested in you, your thoughts and ideas or your vote then you are sadly mistaken. They could care less.

They work for this super rich super powerful cabal of people who are the real power behind the world's governments. They are the ones calling the shots, they are the ones whose bidding the politicos in DC are doing. It's all a ruse. There is no war on terror anymore than their ever was a war on drugs. It's a scam. The folks behind the drugs are the same folks supposedly trying to stop them they are profiting from them and so will never really do more than make it look like they are trying. Same with the war on terror.

The REAL TERRORISTs are those supposedly fighting the war. War means money in the hands of the super rich who provide the equipment to fight it and the young soldiers dying and being wounded for their war are just fodder to feed their appetite for more money and more power.

The end game is to have these super rich folks sitting at the top controlling the entire world from their golden thrones. It is a one world government controlled by them. It will mean that billions not millions must die and the rest will serve them and do their bidding or they like the other billions will be put to death by those who will serve them.

If you can't see what's coming you need to open your eyes.
+100. Very well put. All we are to the government is a number. It is all propaganda to make us like them for votes so they can still make money. The day a senator or president...etc comes and feeds my family personally for a week I might give a crap. All they think of is them self's. They add laws to feel important and get there name in the history books. The laws they add dint make since to us. But to them its history in the making. Every government since the beginning of time are corrupt. Look at the roman Catholics. They slaughtered fear of religion to people. Ever since there was a government or group of people who run stuff there has been corruption. It was for power then and it is no. Just now a days money = power. which in the end brings greed.
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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #32 on: February 18, 2009, 09:55:34 AM »
  any christian who can read oughta know what greybeard said has truth in it..
 on the other hand i do believe in continueing the fight for a free ,country with individual rights an pursuit of happiness..i don t care what power monger thinks they run things ,,i still run my life ..i will until they end it for me..being a chritian [or trying] death aint the end for me.. but im going to live every day of freedom i enjoy,in this life, as if i appreciate  it and am willing to pay the price of preserving it,that so many others have. slim

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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #33 on: February 18, 2009, 10:04:04 AM »
Graybeard is right about the drugs.  Cocane cannot be produced without a certain chemical.  There are only 3 chemical companies who make this particular chemical in great quantities.  Two are in the US and one in Germany.  90% of this particular chemical is shipped to Columbian companies from these three companies.  Our government and Germany's government can get together and stop all shipments of this chemical overseas, and the cocane market would dry up because prices would be sky high.  They don't because these companies would have to lay off people as well as the shippers, and there is too much profit to be made under the table. 

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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #34 on: February 18, 2009, 11:18:47 AM »
Graybeard is right, and not just about the drugs. 
He is right about all of it. 
" we are screwed "

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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #35 on: February 18, 2009, 12:55:40 PM »
So far, it seems he is willing to adjust as the situation changes; unlike the last prez who wouldn't .

BS, BS, BS!!!!!!!!  He's been President for a month.  How much has the situation changed over there in that time?  How much has it changed since his election promises?  Very little, if any!!!!!!!!!!  The only thing that has changed is the side of his mouth he's talking out of.  Don't worry though, that will change again soon enough.   ::)
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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #36 on: February 18, 2009, 01:05:18 PM »
Obama is a war monger. He's sending 17,000 American kids to Afganistan so they can target innocent men, women & childern for assasination. Our kids are going to die in the process so Obama the war monger can have laughing sessions with his white house crooks when the cameras are off.

Avery Hayden Wallace
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Offline mirage1988

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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #37 on: February 18, 2009, 01:23:03 PM »
Saw him signing his stimulus yesterday- I had to look away- almost got hypnotized by his head- goes from left to right and back again so fast you can't even see the look on his face. I was taught that if a man can't look you in the eye when he's talking to you, then he's lyin'.

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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #38 on: February 18, 2009, 01:47:16 PM »
Osama introduced modern chemical production using former Soviet bloc scientists and equipment to the Taliban escalating the $ return on acre 100 fold. The end result is sold to our children here in the US, and the proceeds go to fund Al Qaeda around the world. So you would think wholesale destruction of poppy fields would be a win win for everyone ... but

Current policy on the ground set by our NATO partners is to NOT destroy the poppy crops ... that would put the farmers into economic hardship and destabilize the corrupt government in power.

I recently transferred from an Infantry unit leaving in a few months to go to OEF ... pray for my boys - all 1100 of them. They only got a few months break. They don't mind fighting and dying, they just want it to mean something to somebody.

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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #39 on: February 18, 2009, 02:14:45 PM »
Obama is a war monger. He's sending 17,000 American kids to Afghanistan so they can target innocent men, women & children for assasination. Our kids are going to die in the process so Obama the war monger can have laughing sessions with his white house crooks when the cameras are off.

That is a ridiculous statement.
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Offline mirage1988

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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #40 on: February 18, 2009, 02:27:40 PM »
If you think it is a ridiculous statement, then show us how or why?

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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #41 on: February 18, 2009, 02:57:09 PM »
Welcome back to korea, pakastan has just given the taliban  the afaganstan border region to do with as they please and are objecting to incursions by us to get them. so soon you'll have a policy of you can fight up to the border but can't cross it to chase them. Just a repeat of a policy that did'nt work there wont work here. P/S. greybeard hit it just about right.
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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #42 on: February 18, 2009, 02:57:39 PM »
Obama is a war monger. He's sending 17,000 American kids to Afghanistan so they can target innocent men, women & children for assasination. Our kids are going to die in the process so Obama the war monger can have laughing sessions with his white house crooks when the cameras are off.

That is a ridiculous statement.

Why do you think this is rediculous?
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #43 on: February 18, 2009, 03:08:46 PM »
After 40 years the "war on poverty" is a dismal failure.  Congress and the white house turned the "war on drugs" into a total joke.  For 20 years congress refused to regulate Sudafed because crooks on both sides of the aisle were in the pockets of the drug companies.  The drug companies wanted to sell Sudafed by the trainload and they did not care that most of it was used to make meth.      

The "war on terror" is fast becoming a lost cause.  The invasion of Iraq caused the real war on terror in Afghanistan to take a back seat:  Bush pawned Afghanistan off onto NATO and went all over Europe begging NATO countries to send more troops, to no avail.  

The US had several years of cooperation from Pakistan.  Now that is gone:  Frittered away because a US president refused to put enough troops on the ground to get the job done.  Troops are now going after the poppy crop that fuels the Taliban with cash:  That is a good sign.

God Bless our fine troops. 

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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #44 on: February 18, 2009, 03:18:20 PM »
Johnny's too busy to type- he's tryin to catch his "stimulus"!!!!!

Offline Cabin4

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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #45 on: February 18, 2009, 03:18:54 PM »
Liberals...Liberals they hate war

War is does not matter what it's 4 the mother and her baby fall

Bang...bang...bang.... the father and his baby boy R no more

Obama..... Obama.....he now has his own little war!

Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #46 on: February 19, 2009, 01:52:32 PM »
Liberals...Liberals they hate war

War is does not matter what it's 4 the mother and her baby fall

Bang...bang...bang.... the father and his baby boy R no more

Obama..... Obama.....he now has his own little war!

Are you off your meds there cabin4. You seem to be getting a little wierd there. You also seem to be forgetting that your hero Bush started both conflicts we are presently in. He spread us WAY TOO THIN in Afghanistan to promote his war in Iraq. I am by no means a fan of Mr. Obama, but if we indeed are going to be in Afghanistan let us give them what they need.
Your new war will be with Pakistan, and this too was decided while Bush was still in the White House. Of course he didn't make the decision. The Rand Corp. did.
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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #47 on: February 20, 2009, 01:53:54 AM »
Dee ya might be on to something there .
Still got to say a few well placed nukes would solve alot of problems .
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #48 on: February 20, 2009, 02:21:21 AM »
SHOOTALL, the US is the ONLY COUNTRY that has EVER used NUKES, yet we have spent the last 60 years telling everyone else NOT TO, and they SHOULDN't HAVE THEM.
I think it would be a HUGE MISTAKE to repeat the drill as we did in Japan. Especially in a country whom has no real means of attacking us, and really never did. That the 911 attackers allegedly trained there is truly an argument, but an UNANNOUNCED CARPET BOMBING PARTY would have erased those training camps, and common sense would tell anyone they (the 911 terrorists) could have duplicated the training ANY WHERE IN THE WORLD.
What our country's GOVERNMENT needs to do is buy an economy sized can of MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, and drink the entirety of it's contents.
Our borders are wide open, and for a purpose. We (our government) can run around the world injecting US POLICY AND IDEOLOGY on everyone and then attack them when they reject it.
While the government was firing $1,000,000.00 apiece missiles into a non-event Iraq, we could have spent that same money on securing our OWN borders, and screening out malcontents, and 911 possibly would have never happened in the first place.
In some ways it is much like the Church I attend. They spend thousands of dollars to send EVANGILISTS to Africa to save them from hell, but have not one EVANGILIST program to witness to their own community. I suppose like our government, it doesn't feel as good to serve your own people. I have asked this question and get frowns. Just as I am sure I will get on the above opinion.
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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #49 on: February 20, 2009, 02:53:10 AM »
"They spend thousands of dollars to send EVANGILISTS to Africa to save them from hell, but have not one EVANGILIST program to witness to their own community. I suppose like our government, it doesn't feel as good to serve your own people. "

That is something i really agree with on both sides.
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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #50 on: February 20, 2009, 04:21:53 AM »
Liberals...Liberals they hate war

War is does not matter what it's 4 the mother and her baby fall

Bang...bang...bang.... the father and his baby boy R no more

Obama..... Obama.....he now has his own little war!

Are you off your meds there cabin4. You seem to be getting a little wierd there. You also seem to be forgetting that your hero Bush started both conflicts we are presently in. He spread us WAY TOO THIN in Afghanistan to promote his war in Iraq. I am by no means a fan of Mr. Obama, but if we indeed are going to be in Afghanistan let us give them what they need.
Your new war will be with Pakistan, and this too was decided while Bush was still in the White House. Of course he didn't make the decision. The Rand Corp. did.

Obama was the anti war candidate. All the anto groups like Code Pink and the rest all supported Obama. Now that Obama is escalating the war, I'm curiuos why the anti war crowd is not all up in arms. I guess it's okay to fight a war as long as your a Liberal.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #51 on: February 20, 2009, 07:02:00 AM »
Obama was the anti war candidate.

Thinking back to the election, when I'd ask people why in the Hell are you voting for Obama, they would often reply because "Obama will get our troops out of the war." Boy, are those folks getting a good slap in the old puss now, hey. :D

I agree with Dee that if we're going to be there, lets back our troops and give them the men, women, technology, and weapons to finish it. Lets get it done.

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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #52 on: February 20, 2009, 11:23:01 AM »
 dee hit it, in my opinion..  isolation can be dangerous but continuing
the present course is like giving up..add a little ,,lets do whats best for
the masses[the grass roots workers] here in this country.. i ll drink some an buy as many rnds as i can for other citizens.. :) slim

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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #53 on: February 20, 2009, 01:42:36 PM »
Obama is a bold face liar. He won the election under false pretence. Where' Code Pink when you need them?? Where's George Sorus when you need him?? Where's Mike Moore when you need him?? Where's Cindy Sheehan when you need her?? Were's the main stream print and broadcast media when you need them??

Oh, I forgot, Obama is a Liberal Socialist and escalating wars and lieing to the American people is just fine. Of course.

Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #54 on: February 21, 2009, 03:03:12 AM »
 The only thing I cant agree with is this statement ;
 "Now they are gonna get their chance to go over there and fight."

It wont be "them" it will be the same people that always do the fighting only this time they probably wont have what they need to fight with, and then when some get dead we will back out like we did the last time we had a leftist in the White house.

I haven't seen very many libtards or Obama fanatics lined up outside of the Army or Marine recruiting offices lately, trying to join up to "get their chance to go over there and fight".  I don't think carrying posters, chanting, or staging protests are going to cut it as a tactic over there. 

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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #55 on: February 21, 2009, 05:15:35 AM »
I agree with Dee about our borders and the fact that our government should "minister" to the american people before trying to "fix" anything anywhere else.  The problem is that as a rule GOVERNMENT generally screws up anything they touch.

 I think breaking a foot of in the talibans ass was a good thing to do after the attack on the WTC. They harbored Osamma and supported the Jihad. Where i think we failed was doing it half assed and not following through.

 As far as Iraq goes Bush Sr screwed that up by not finishing that up at Dessert storm, But you can refer to my earlier statement about Government. "W" made his mistakes, the big one was going there before Israel could take out Saddam, and they would have if he became a threat to them.

The leftist are gonna blame "W" for anything they do in afganistan because " he started it". so dont look for Obama to get a black eye for sending troops there. He has the full support of the leftist media and his "acorn constituants"

Obama had better save some troops for our southern border. The "Narco Mexicans" are going to be our next big problem because that country is about to come apart, if you are watching the news you can see what i mean there.
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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #56 on: February 21, 2009, 04:59:58 PM »
We have fallen into the same crap pile since WWII ended "THE POLITICIANS TRY TO RUN THE WAR!"

However, it is best to kill them over there wherever that may be at the time.

Afghanistan has never in history been successfully defeated by anyone...the main reason is the terrain of the country. Russia learned that strings of tanks and armor winding uop narrow canyon roads make a certain death for your troops. While weapons have vastly improved the will of those people to fight and die and the terrain has not. Obama opened his ignorant mouth about the RIGHT WAR IS IN AFGAHNISTAN showing he knows nothing about war. It will kill many of our soldiers and we will have to leave just as the Russians did. Many of our Generals have warned him but he is too stupid to listen.

The greatest warriors of history have all said war must be total war with no mercy until the enemy surrenders or is all dead.

Yet people like Pelosi Read Obama still thinks that with a couple of daily briefings they are ready to defeat our enemies. Jesus Christ we never learn.

GB is right in many ways in my opinion great money and power really run this world of ours. We are nothing more than sheep to be herded in the direction they want to obtain whatever it is they want.

The UN is the single greatest threat to the US and our way of life. Obama and the other leftist want the UN to guide and rule all nations...thats the biggest danger to us.

Just my thoughts

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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #57 on: February 21, 2009, 05:44:15 PM »
We have fallen into the same crap pile since WWII ended "THE POLITICIANS TRY TO RUN THE WAR!"

However, it is best to kill them over there wherever that may be at the time.

Afghanistan has never in history been successfully defeated by anyone...the main reason is the terrain of the country. Russia learned that strings of tanks and armor winding uop narrow canyon roads make a certain death for your troops. While weapons have vastly improved the will of those people to fight and die and the terrain has not. Obama opened his ignorant mouth about the RIGHT WAR IS IN AFGAHNISTAN showing he knows nothing about war. It will kill many of our soldiers and we will have to leave just as the Russians did. Many of our Generals have warned him but he is too stupid to listen.

The greatest warriors of history have all said war must be total war with no mercy until the enemy surrenders or is all dead.

Yet people like Pelosi Read Obama still thinks that with a couple of daily briefings they are ready to defeat our enemies. Jesus Christ we never learn.

GB is right in many ways in my opinion great money and power really run this world of ours. We are nothing more than sheep to be herded in the direction they want to obtain whatever it is they want.

The UN is the single greatest threat to the US and our way of life. Obama and the other leftist want the UN to guide and rule all nations...thats the biggest danger to us.

Just my thoughts

RT, I would agree in full. We would have faired no better with McCain I feel, but for some, Obama is simply easier to hate I suppose. We have been sold out to the world by the whole bunch, whether it be Democrat or Republican. Two sides to the same coin.
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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #58 on: February 21, 2009, 06:06:08 PM »

I disagree 100%. McCain would never have put forth a stimulus bill like Obama did, never. As much as i dislike McCain, the decent conservatives never would have let him get away with it. I don't even think McCain is stupid enough to thisnk this POS of a bill would actually do anything.

To put it simply, Obama complelty fornicated us all over.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Obama to Send 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan
« Reply #59 on: February 21, 2009, 06:12:09 PM »
Yep I was supporting McCain and as time passed he finaly revealed himself to me as different man than I thought he was. Just another politician that would do and say whatever was needed to be elected.

I believe he would have passed some stupid plan spending with more tax cuts but yet another stupid plan that would not help.

I do not know of one, not one, of the current politicians, whether Democrat or Republican that has the backbone to be a great leader of this country. They have all succumed to the money and the influence behind it. Nothing new but I had always had hope that one day someone that would do what is best for the nation would appear.

I now do not look for one and have given up my hopes that it will ever happen. The fall of this nation will be the end result I fear.