Cabin4 said it, when he mentioned peer pressure. It's real hard to keep kids now days on the straight and narrow, when just about every TV channel puts out the garbage that it does. And when you have 2 guys like this, making it easy for kids to get the stuff,real hard to keep track of your kids when you have to go to work sometime. What parents need to do, and I'm hoping that I can in just a year or 2, when my 10 year old son, and 7 year old son are just a little bit older. I want to take them to the local mental hospital, where I can show them first hand, what happens when somebody burns themselves out on drugs and alcohol. Sitting in the corner of a room, rocking back and forth talking to themselves. Then, just before they get their drivers liscense, kids should volunteer to work the emergency room at the local hospital. Let them witness first hand, what a crash from a drunk driver looks like. Like rubbing as puppy's nose in it, to teach it not to pee/poop in the house.
As far as the 2 dirtbags in the news video,contributing to a minor, sex with a minor, supplying drugs to minor's, the next time they should see daylight, we should have a Mars colony established. JMO gypsyman
As far as these 2 lowlife's are concerned,