I've heard of "Decoy Hearts" being used several ways for predators. Some gents put them inside a toy stuffed animal that is appropriate, others have simply used a cheap rabbit skin and still others use them with feathers. In my case, where I usually call alone and with my custom mouth calls, its not unusual for a coyote to come in on my blind side - get real close before I see it, and I've lost more than one decoy snatched up and carried off. So I changed tactics to a decoy that gets their attention and takes it off me (the noise), but that they are afraid to come all the way in and grab because they don't know exactly what it is. I use a large stuffed Alf doll with long hair that moves in the slightest of breezes and put it in a conspicuous place where it can be seen from all directions. When a predator gets close enough and see's it, they usually hold up and give it their undivided attention while trying to figure out what it is. Takes their attention off me, and allows slow changing of position to line up on them. Works a lot like a decoy dog, but Alf eats a whole lot less and doesn't leave piles around to clean up. :wink: HTH