My point LONGTOM, is that when one is a racist to ONE, he is a racist to ALL of the same race. I prefer to categorize on ones MERITS, other than his color. I am Cherokee, and to show racism toward a Cherokee for being CHEROKEE, is categorically being a racist toward ALL CHEROKEE. I have met MANY whites that I am not overly fond of (some on these forums) but, am married to a lady as white and blond as the driven snow. Were I to discriminate toward whites, I would be some what hypocritical, would I not?
Mr. Obama has many faults to criticize without racism, which by the way he is HALF WHITE. So one must ask. Is his WHITE half causing him to act a fool, or his BLACK half causing him to act a fool. If you yourself are white, and it proves that it is his WHITE SIDE causing him to act as such, then you might end up blaming YOURSELF, and YOUR RACE.
In the area of RACISM, one either is, or is not. JMO
You and I agree on much, however, such a view does not make one look credible. Not that you probably care, but I personally want to look as credible as possible, and to do so, one must BE credible. On this issue you do not. Again. JMO
There are many names Mr. Obama can be called: Socialist, Marxist, Fool or even PUPPET. None are indicative of race, and all are descriptive of his behavior.
It is like some like to play with people's names. It is a childish game that shows more immaturity, than intellect, yet they continue, and believe themselves to be exhibiting their clever wit. And again. JMO
This is not to say, that I am not capable of referring to someone as "the boy" and have. I sometimes leave my friends at the coffee shop with the salutation of: See you boys later.