How many ammo types did you try? I had a 12 gauge 3 1/2 inch Pardner with the factory turkey choke. It threw an incredible pattern using both 3" and 3 1/2" Remington Nitro #5 turkey loads. This was at 40 yards, I won't shoot any turkey beyond that so I never bothered to pattern it any further than that but I wouldn't be surprised if it they did well out to 45 or 50 yards.
I remember first trying a bunch of Winchester turkey loads and thinking the factory choke was no good because the patterns were bad but it was just a matter of finding the right load. In my case it was the Rem. Nitro Turkey loads. That was one nasty turkey killer, the only reason i got rid of it was because of my bad neck and shoulder. I dropped down to a 20 gauge and all is well.