good points by all.. i would encourage state by state an effort by gunowners to
get to know each other , and unite in a common cause.. lets try an wake the sleeping gun owners up.. they just people who use guns an don t even think of the possibility that big brothers looking to take them away from them.. but like greybeard has said.. right to bear arms is not an hunting isue..its an individual rights [not gov given privilidge] issue.. i believe dee said something to that affect also..
now past is past
this the seed .. you are the culture it is planted in..if you are an ancester of an soldier who s died for this country..if you love your family. . if you understand that individual freedom is a inalienable right,an not a priviledge doled out by big govt... if you understand that an armed public,, so committed to that freedom that they will not comprimise an inch on the rights,, our forefathers had the wisdom to gurantee in our constitution....
then its an call to action..weve been enjoying freedom a long time and its
our turn..lets get to know each other in a common cause ..lets keep it very simple as to our goal.. absolute non infringement on the right to bear arms..
.. many have other ideas of merit.. but we got to keep this simple in order to be united . no further infingement or gov t control on our right to arms will be
accepted as law..
now talks talk, an achieves something but action to form local patriot groups dedicated to our constitution,as it stands,is whats needed.. now with respect to naysayers i l add this.. every great achievement or achiever,has had naysayers explaining to them,all along the way, why they couldn t do something..
god willing you can make a difference right call your fellow gun owners and talk about it.. thow out the naysayers opinions except any wisdom you might glean from what they say ,and join up with the one or two committed enuff to freedom to become part of an group that might one day be called on to defend the constitution as it stands..the seed is there brother.. it doesnt depend on me or anyone else depends on doers not those just willing to talk about how bad it is its destined to get so bad,, what we have now would be called radical think about it [not to long]
. then get on the phone an find somebody willing to listen to what you have to say in your area..
sorry for the long post. yall have a good night ,got to pull that graveyard tonite