i considered a post pardom abortion during their teen years
now they are in their 20s i see that would have been a mistake
lf parrents could kill bad teens we would be better off
WE don't kill babies
WE is first person plural and inticates you are a liberal
it is good bush did not fund abortiond with the money of people who oppose them
it is bad that obama wants grey beard and powderman to donate fund/taxes to help fund abortions
but i always vote freedom first
if a woman decides not to carry a baby
WE are not killing that baby
GOD does not need our help unless you think his power is faultering
you say killing a human being is MURDER
well there are some veterens here that did that.......go tell them
would you shoot some one about to rape your daughter
you ever seen a child being born?
she Should have the right not to go through THAT
some say abortion is ok in cases of.......what ever WE agree on
row vs wade is a violation of the tenth ammendment IMHO
a disproportional amount of abortions are among blacks in america [ i dont have the stats to prove it]
so it looks like OBAMA wants to fully fund black genocide in america