The Knight Disc Elites have proven to be very accurate Muzzleloaders in both 45cal and 50cal. They have nothing else to show in my book ecspecially with the Lehigh bullets in 200 and 250grn.'s time to start working with the Triumph, Knight Vision, and the Savage. I actually wouldnt mind shooting the Nula in with the 250grn Lehigh bullet soon. I might wait for the ballistic tip bullets for it.
I think the vision will be first up. Knight sent me that new plug for it and there is no blow back and the plug is for BH209. That's a great combination to me. The Sportsman whse is selling these all camo Muzzleloaders for $199.00. Thats awesome to me. I have a SS steal one now, and a all camo one on the way.
I might even try and get a 45cal barrel for it. This weekend i hope to have some accuracy tests with a few different bullets in the vision and velocities right with them.