I got a laugh this morning. I turned on the car radio, and a radio Emcee named Neal Borsch?, was telling how he almost shot his Wet Suit he'd left hanging on the shower head.
Seems he'd forgotten it after washing the dried Sea salts off of it.
Late that night his wife hears a noise and wakes Neal.
He gets his Glock .357 SIG out ((whatever SIG means: he said)) of the night stand drawer and goes sneaking thru the house.
Not finding anything awry, he heads for the bathroom before retiring to the bedroom. Upon entering the bathroom he sees (what he thought was) this big black man in the shower. And he begins screaming at the "WET SUIT" to
come out of the shower with your hands up"!!!! His wife hearing the shouts of demand, grabs the phone and begins dialing 911.
Neals finger is squeezing on the Glock's trigger as he's screaming at this guy to come out, when he realizes the black man is in actuality his wet suit.
Then he begins to tell how glad he was that he didn't have to shoot that gun, because he'd only shot the thing once, and it nearly broke his wrist........