Having "PERSONALLY" participated in the so called "drug war" for 20 years (retired) I came to several conclusions during my tenure, and I will say that, on a county and city level I was DEEPLY involved.
I found that when the Feds was giving us grants, that it was a way to attach PORK for their own needs on the bills passed to give us grants. Over a twenty year period, I watched police dept.s and sheriff's offices receive equip that would never be used, and never was used. HOWEVER, with each grant, a little of the dept. sovereignty went away in the REQUIRED adoption of certain policies ect.
I also noticed when the SEIZURE of personal property became legal that the local PROSECUTORS became IMMEDIATELY MORE INTERESTED, as everyone (including the Feds) got a cut of the property seized, when it was sold at auction. Hmmm
Oklahoma for example on my retirement 14 years ago was VERY LIBERAL in what constituted a drug bust involving an auto. A marijuana cigarette butt, could cause the seizure of an automobile. WOW! Yes, but true.
I personally NOW know of a very small rural police dept. getting 5 AR15s, and I believe 7 M14s. in the way of a Government grant. This dept has 6 officers! What was the cost to get this grant. ENFORCE THE SEAT BELT LAW! You see, here in Texas, the STATE is supposed to get about $75.00 of every ticket written from every agency in the state.
When I was running a Tactical K-9 unit, the Feds thru my former Chief gave us 2 Chev. Blazers that were former military vehs.
It goes on and on gentlemen. Look at today's police officer just in appearance. High and tight haircuts, many wear fatigue type pants that only tactical used to wear, and many of these young men WILL ENFORCE GUN LAWS and many ALREADY ARE.