Same thing we eat every day. We have a years supply of Moose, Caribou, Black Bear, Salmon, and Halibut, in the freezer and on shelves. They get replenished every Spring, Summer, and Fall. Every year I give 150 to 200 lbs of meat to the local soup kitchen when i clean out the freezer for the fresh stuff. Some years we throw some Ruffled Grouse in the freezer, if we don't eat them all up first. In the fall if I shoot Ducks and Geese, we eat them fresh, the rest I also give to the soup kitchen.
I bake my own bread, and flour, meal, and salt are the items we must get at the store. My wife insist we always have a three months supply on hand, and she rotates her supply as she replaces it.
We live in an area where if there is a volcano, earth quake, snow avalanche on the road or railroad, or another longshoreman's strike in Seattle or Portland, we are screwed for getting supplies. Safeway, Wal-Mart, and Fred Myers only have a three days supply on the shelves, we can't count on them in an emergency. Therefore we are always prepared. Plan for the worst, hope for the best.