Author Topic: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..  (Read 11119 times)

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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #180 on: March 20, 2009, 02:38:42 PM »
I never said I think you are wrong for making the statements that they were ill prepared. They were ill prepared and it cost them their lives.
I think you are wrong for pissing on their graves after they are dead and gone.
Just leave it alone, everyone knows how you feel. ;)


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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #181 on: March 20, 2009, 02:51:07 PM »
I never said I think you are wrong for making the statements that they were ill prepared. They were ill prepared and it cost them their lives.
I think you are wrong for pissing on their graves after they are dead and gone.
Just leave it alone, everyone knows how you feel. ;)


Good try again Spanky....

Again, I just can't help but laugh, LOL :) :) :) :)

Vindication is a great feelin. :P
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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #182 on: March 20, 2009, 03:09:08 PM »
Good try??
What was I trying to do??

Obviously there's no getting through to you.
You're still an idiot.


Offline Cabin4

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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #183 on: March 20, 2009, 03:56:09 PM »
Good try??
What was I trying to do??

Obviously there's no getting through to you.
You're still an idiot.


You said I was pissing on thier graves.

It's not that long ago Spanky.... why are you asking me to tell you what you wrote 40 minuets ago? Can't you go back and look yourself ::)
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #184 on: March 20, 2009, 04:01:07 PM »
You are pissing on their graves and you are an idiot. ;)
I'm done with you.
You ain't worth the time.


Offline Cabin4

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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #185 on: March 20, 2009, 04:09:18 PM »
Blowfish is one of those boys that has just enough sense to get hisownself and others hurt.
I know folks that reularly fish the rigs of the gulf in 18 ft flat bottom boats and have never had a problem. The only problem is that their chance of survival, when they do have a problem, is nil.
Common sense is not that common.

I do not know Swordfish, so I will not coment on him. I do, however, regularly see the guys that you are talking about 20-50 miles out in the Gulf. They are a danger to all. There mindset is that if they get into trouble, someone will help them out. Yje reality is that if anyone is aware of there plight, they must help them, and becove responsible for them.

Before I go any further, I will qulify my statements by stating that I am a USCG licencessed Master. I captain a Vessel in the Northern Gulf of Mexico +/- 180 days a year. I am coming up on my fourth issuance on my Licences. I Carry up to six paying clients and regularly navigate up to 100 nm from shore. I carry an eperb, raft, 9 offshore-commercial life pfds, redundant sets of flares ect. My boat has Radar, GPS, an Icom 504 radio with a digital antena as well as a handheld waterproof radio in my dump bag. My dump bag contains redundant saftey items and is checked regularly.

I make my living by taking people fishing and I do not make a dime if I do not go fishing. I cancled my trips that weekend after checking the weather predictions on Friday. All other offshore captains working out of both Marina's in my area did the same. The weather forecast for Saturday were bad in our area, which is less than 1/2 a day's travel for weather from where the accident happened and it was predicted to be raised to a Gale warning by evening.. No Professional captain here runs a boat that is smaller than 26 feet and those are offshore catamarans that have exteremly tall freeboard and are extremly stable and self bailing. All of said boats have twin engines. No one thought that venturing offshore was a good or safe plan. All cancled and did not make a dime, rather than to put someone at risk.

I have been caught offshore in nasty weather, but I try not to depart in it. Many years ago, I and several of the other captains down here were caught in an unforecast low preasure system. The seas went from 4 foot to 14 foot in less than 1 hour. The wind blew due out of the north at over 65 knots the entire 5 hour ride home. The ride home was only 20 statute miles. 3 years ago, I and one of my coworkers were 30 miles from shore when we noticed a darkening sky to the north. We decided that it was time to head north. By the time that we got up and running, the seas had built from flat calm to 5 foot. in 20 minutes, they had built to 10 foot. We were doing fine but all were uncomfortable. About 20 minutes later, we heard an SOS from a small single engine vessel about 7 miles from us. They were sinking, no question about it. We both turned and ran to them with no other questions asked. When we got within 2 miles of where they were supposed to be, we called the Coast guard to confirm there coordinates. We continued on but a minute later another good Samaritan boat called us, a shrimp boat that was just about on the scene, and stated that he had all but one soul on board. We stood by. just in case, as he got the last soul on board and cut the one line that was keeping the bow of the sunk vessel above water. The boat dissapeared. We took our time and made it in to the dock just before dark. My clients paid me and disapeared. I have not seen them since. They were unhappy that they I had put there lives in danger to help the sinking boat. They were not truly in danger, but they surely felt every 10 footer and were very uncomfortable. That front was 18 hours early in arriving. Bad things can happen offshore even if you are perfectly prepaired, they will happen if you are not. Never forget, even an unsinkable boat will eventually sink if the conditions are bad enough.

I resisted getting involved in this thread because there was so much bickering that i didn't think that anyone was listening but after reading William Layton's post, I changed my mind. These guys made a mistake by going out there that day. They were illy prepared and lacking in preperation. There deaths were unfortunate, and I have said a prayer for them and there families. Had the Coast Guard been aware of there plight, they would have sent men out there to risk there own lives to try to save them. The coasties would have done so, but is it right to ask others to risk their life because you are unprepared and unaware of the weather heading your way? I dont think that it is fair to do so, but I sure am glad to know that they will come if you call them.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #186 on: March 20, 2009, 04:18:35 PM »
Thanks tunaman,

Your post was given with a obvious concern for the men who died. You told the truth about their being unprepared but at the same time showed respect for another human being. I agree with everything you said as well as the way you said it. Regards,

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Offline Cabin4

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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #187 on: March 20, 2009, 04:42:14 PM »
You are pissing on their graves and you are an idiot. ;)
I'm done with you.
You ain't worth the time.



Don't you think enough is enough. You really should stop using these deceased boaters for your own personal internet writing vendaetta rampage.

If you have something you want to discuss with me on this, go ahead and post it. If not, then you should stop addressing posts to me.

If these people's families would read your posts here, I'm sure they would not be flattered by the fact that you continue to dismiss the measures that could have been taken to save their lives.

Avery Hayden Wallace
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Offline myronman3

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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #188 on: March 21, 2009, 03:40:48 AM »
Thanks tunaman,

Your post was given with a obvious concern for the men who died. You told the truth about their being unprepared but at the same time showed respect for another hunan being. I agree with everything you said as well as the way you said it. Regards,
agreed.   you got your point across without spitting on their graves. 
spanky said....
If Myronman wants to have a drink it's really nobody's business. For all any of us know he might not even touch the stuff. You're a petty person for making such a personal attack on someone because they are disagreeing with your viewpoint. Grow up and leave it alone. It seems the thread has just turned into a trash talking, name calling session. You made your point and some agree. Other's dont. That should be the end of it.
what he is doing is making a poorly veiled threat.   this is his way of saying that he knows my area and can find me, along with making various other stupid statements.   all i have to say about it is that if he thinks that bothers me one bit, he is even dumber than i thought he was.  come to birchwood.  meet the myronman. 

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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #189 on: March 21, 2009, 04:22:10 AM »
what he is doing is making a poorly veiled threat.   this is his way of saying that he knows my area and can find me, along with making various other stupid statements.   all i have to say about it is that if he thinks that bothers me one bit, he is even dumber than i thought he was.  come to birchwood.  meet the myronman. 


You’re fabricating again. You know damn well from other communication you & have had on other posts that I spent a significant amount of my free time in Birchwood from 1984 to 1995. I still go there occasionally to this day because I have close friends that own places on Big Chetek. I know my way around that town as good as you do. Quite trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill & grow up.

Believe me, If I was going to threaten anyone, it won't be thinly veiled and it won't be on the internet. Hope you sleep better tonight. All that worrying about me coming to get you has you writing some pretty ridiculous stuff. Because we proved you don't know what you’re talking about, now you have to try and demonize me to divert the attention away from your childish posts.

Grow up Myronnman and just leave this one alone. Everyone will forget that you had no idea what you were writing earlier. The pain you feel now will all go away in a few days.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #190 on: March 21, 2009, 04:53:34 AM »
Practically ever day I read in the newspapers or see on the TV a story about someone or someones who set out for a day of fishing in Galveston/trinity/East or West bay---within the sight of land--- and die because they have not the slightest clue of the danger and disreguard the opportunity to learn how too fend for theirownselves in an emergency.
Folks it aint easy too kill yourself. What you have to do is be an idiot and fail to learn what to do.
These young men, were probably decent young folks. You just don't go down and buy a boat that has internal flotation and think it won't get you drowned.
There are things you MUST do and they ignored all of them.
Where were the handlines that you should tie to the boat so that WHEN it gets flipped, you have something to hang on too?
Where was the radio?
Where were the flares?
Where was the dump kit?
Where were the GOOD flotation devices?
Where was a knife too cut the anchor line?
These boys just created a life ending danger for theirownselves by ASSUMING everything was going too work out.
It aint pissing on their grave, it is using them as an example of what can go wrong, in a heartbeat, and how to react--what is needed too react correctly.
Every weekend some folks take the wrong vessel into harms way and die because of stupidity. It is stupidity to play with your own life and the lives of others in this fashion.
It is simple too stay alive and hard work to die in this fashion.
It is easy to get into a jamb without even trying---butttt, if you are prepared the folks at S&R will most likely be able too help.

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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #191 on: March 21, 2009, 05:24:39 AM »

People like that will never learn. And you can put the likes of Myronnman, Swordfish, Skunk, Spanky, etc in the same category. These people will defend to their own premature death that getting educated and prepared is not needed.

Now that they have been found to be fools, they are attacking me as a diversion from the truth. The intent of this thread is in fact , what your pointing out not what they are trying to make it.

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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #192 on: March 21, 2009, 05:28:08 AM »
all that coming from a guy on a horse.   ::)

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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #193 on: March 21, 2009, 05:39:29 AM »
Well, I don't know about cleansing the gene pool with this incident, and I am sure everyone here would have done it different MAYBE. But the fact is, their dead, and armchair quarterbacking three dead men, will not change anything.
I am willing to bet given MY OWN EXPERIENCE, that everyone here has done something REAL STUPID, and LUCKILY LIVED TO TELL ABOUT, OR MAYBE NOT TELL ABOUT IT, and the only difference between US, and those three, is their dead, and WE GOT AWAY with our stupid mistakeS. Ya Think?

Yep did it in the saltwater too and in the mountains and on the highway and the bike can't forget the lake.  They made mistakes. they died.  the fact that they were football players is of no more importance than their blood type.  I do agree that if they weren't ball pro's we never would have heard a thing, but then again how many OD every day, but let a celeb do it and it will make the news for years.
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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #194 on: March 21, 2009, 05:47:00 AM »
dee hit the nail on the head way back on march 9th.  seeing as how this has gone past the point of anything constructive, i am off this topic unless it gets constructive again.

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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #195 on: March 21, 2009, 05:51:52 AM »
all that coming from a guy on a horse.   ::)

Yes, just a guy on a horse Myronnman.

And from you, we have foolish posts from a real clown.

You just don't know when to stop being a clown, can you.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #196 on: March 21, 2009, 05:57:38 AM »
dee hit the nail on the head way back on march 9th.  seeing as how this has gone past the point of anything constructive, i am off this topic unless it gets constructive again.

With you around, thats not likly to happen Myronnman. You've proven a complete and total inability to post anything constructive and only a complete ability to tear down posative information.

The only wise statement you have made so far about your self is "I am off this topic". Follow your own self directed advise, please.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #197 on: March 22, 2009, 06:19:37 AM »

....... Since you are located on the west coast of FL I have a few questions abou this case that perhaps you can answer.

 I'm curious how far off the west coast of Florida cell phones typically work. I'm sure these guys had cell phones.
In your opinion does anyone have any business going offshore in small power boats?

Is it your understanding that these guys only had minimal Coast Guard recommended safety gear..signal devices, pfd's, etc. ? Did they have a radio at least..?

When the seas in the gulf kick up to 10 feet or more how do you describe them given the shallow waters often found there..?

Is there any other details you might have as to why this vessel foundered and crew was lost..?

BTW,,,back on page one, post#3, I mentioned that these guys likely had an engine failure and an EPIRD or abandonship case might have been useful., or application of sea anchor or droques.


I am not on the Western coast of Florida, I am in SE Louisiana. We are on the same Laditude as Tampa and less than 400nm from Tampa. Keep in mind, Weather moves very fast across open water. I can tell you that Cell phones are not a reliable source of offshore communication here. Unless you are wihin a mile of a production platform with a repeater on it, you will have no coverage. As for rough conditions in shallow water, it is the same everywhere, The shallower it gets, the closer together the waves get. The closer together the waves get, the more dangerious they are.

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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #198 on: March 22, 2009, 06:45:45 AM »
First...I'm not a fisherman.
What is the "Rule of Thumb" for size of ocean going fishing vessel to fishermen?
Is there a rule in place to safeguard the occupants...distance to shore?
Please if questions seems ignorant....I would like to believe that the boat guest where of the same mind and didn't pursue the same answers that may have save their lives?
PS:I've lost Gun-Loving/Rod-Fishing friends out there on the ocean suffering full blown heart attacks. I cried/smiled for their last day of happiness!
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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #199 on: March 23, 2009, 09:13:42 AM »
Blowfish is one of those boys that has just enough sense to get hisownself and others hurt.
I know folks that reularly fish the rigs of the gulf in 18 ft flat bottom boats and have never had a problem. The only problem is that their chance of survival, when they do have a problem, is nil.
Common sense is not that common.

I do not know Swordfish, so I will not coment on him. I do, however, regularly see the guys that you are talking about 20-50 miles out in the Gulf. They are a danger to all. There mindset is that if they get into trouble, someone will help them out. Yje reality is that if anyone is aware of there plight, they must help them, and becove responsible for them.

Before I go any further, I will qulify my statements by stating that I am a USCG licencessed Master. I captain a Vessel in the Northern Gulf of Mexico +/- 180 days a year. I am coming up on my fourth issuance on my Licences. I Carry up to six paying clients and regularly navigate up to 100 nm from shore. I carry an eperb, raft, 9 offshore-commercial life pfds, redundant sets of flares ect. My boat has Radar, GPS, an Icom 504 radio with a digital antena as well as a handheld waterproof radio in my dump bag. My dump bag contains redundant saftey items and is checked regularly.

I make my living by taking people fishing and I do not make a dime if I do not go fishing. I cancled my trips that weekend after checking the weather predictions on Friday. All other offshore captains working out of both Marina's in my area did the same. The weather forecast for Saturday were bad in our area, which is less than 1/2 a day's travel for weather from where the accident happened and it was predicted to be raised to a Gale warning by evening.. No Professional captain here runs a boat that is smaller than 26 feet and those are offshore catamarans that have exteremly tall freeboard and are extremly stable and self bailing. All of said boats have twin engines. No one thought that venturing offshore was a good or safe plan. All cancled and did not make a dime, rather than to put someone at risk.

I have been caught offshore in nasty weather, but I try not to depart in it. Many years ago, I and several of the other captains down here were caught in an unforecast low preasure system. The seas went from 4 foot to 14 foot in less than 1 hour. The wind blew due out of the north at over 65 knots the entire 5 hour ride home. The ride home was only 20 statute miles. 3 years ago, I and one of my coworkers were 30 miles from shore when we noticed a darkening sky to the north. We decided that it was time to head north. By the time that we got up and running, the seas had built from flat calm to 5 foot. in 20 minutes, they had built to 10 foot. We were doing fine but all were uncomfortable. About 20 minutes later, we heard an SOS from a small single engine vessel about 7 miles from us. They were sinking, no question about it. We both turned and ran to them with no other questions asked. When we got within 2 miles of where they were supposed to be, we called the Coast guard to confirm there coordinates. We continued on but a minute later another good Samaritan boat called us, a shrimp boat that was just about on the scene, and stated that he had all but one soul on board. We stood by. just in case, as he got the last soul on board and cut the one line that was keeping the bow of the sunk vessel above water. The boat dissapeared. We took our time and made it in to the dock just before dark. My clients paid me and disapeared. I have not seen them since. They were unhappy that they I had put there lives in danger to help the sinking boat. They were not truly in danger, but they surely felt every 10 footer and were very uncomfortable. That front was 18 hours early in arriving. Bad things can happen offshore even if you are perfectly prepaired, they will happen if you are not. Never forget, even an unsinkable boat will eventually sink if the conditions are bad enough.

I resisted getting involved in this thread because there was so much bickering that i didn't think that anyone was listening but after reading William Layton's post, I changed my mind. These guys made a mistake by going out there that day. They were illy prepared and lacking in preperation. There deaths were unfortunate, and I have said a prayer for them and there families. Had the Coast Guard been aware of there plight, they would have sent men out there to risk there own lives to try to save them. The coasties would have done so, but is it right to ask others to risk their life because you are unprepared and unaware of the weather heading your way? I dont think that it is fair to do so, but I sure am glad to know that they will come if you call them.
Well said. My ratings are similar to yours but include Int. waters, beyond “near shore”, 100T, and no limit on passengers. I have the time in to get my 200T but don't think I would ever need it. My personal vessel has all the same safety gear except for raft. Many vessels that I have Capt. over the years have had much less. I am among the few that are that well equipped. I strongly believe in the whole safety conversation that is taking place. That in it’s self is good. I stopped replying to cabinboy after seeing that he just posts to re-read his own thoughts, and my beef with him is his disrespect for those that died at sea, not his safety message. When you read between the lines of his experience you can see where he is lacking, follower not a decision maker.  Now, I know he will post again to get another last word in but his message of safety is lost in the disrespect of the dead. He shows gross lack of character. He does not realize that there is only one Capt., and that Capt. in the end, is responsible for the lives of the passengers and crew. Most, board a boat with the assumption that the vessel is safe for the trip. Cabinboy has too many if's, and's, but's, should have's, could have's. His hind sight is 20/20, even from his view point of inside his rectum.
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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #200 on: March 23, 2009, 09:40:49 AM »

You are a liar and your trying to rewrite history on this thread. You don't know anything about proper off-shore boating operations or safety. You never displayed as so much as a single ounce of knowledge when the opportunity was there on several occasions. Now, all of a sudden you’re a big off shore boat safety advocate and expert! How convenient…

Unfortunately Blowfish, no one is asleep on this thread and its crystal clear to anyone who would read this full thread, they will know your little game. Your new-found knowledge stems from posts written by others (including mine) after all your spewing of pure trash. You had every opportunity to post constructive information about your knowledge in this area. You has every opportunity to refute specifics on what I wrote. No,  you chose to simply get in on the personal attack games like the rest of the children and prove your complete lack of experience or expertise.

Anyone could now claim to be an expert like you are on this because all your doing is agreeing with and or repeating what others and the licensed masters are writing! For the record, I posted my information before they did and theirs agrees with my posts not yours Blowfish!  This is something you cannot deny but given your immature approach thus far you will likely swallow your own stupidity again..hook-line & sinker.

What a joke. You are truly pathetic.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #201 on: March 23, 2009, 12:02:38 PM »
Cabinboy has too many if's, and's, but's, should have's, could have's. His hind sight is 20/20, even from his view point of inside his rectum.

Talk about hitting the nail on the head! ;D
Where'd that swayback ol' nag go anyway?? ???


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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #202 on: March 23, 2009, 12:11:12 PM »
Cabinboy has too many if's, and's, but's, should have's, could have's. His hind sight is 20/20, even from his view point of inside his rectum.

Talk about hitting the nail on the head! ;D
Where'd that swayback ol' nag go anyway?? ???


Brilliant post Spanky. Your now of the same opinion as Blowfish that having proper safety gear & precautions consistent with a 62 mile off shore excursion is something that only 20/20 hind sight can produce. ::)

So let's understand what that means: It means, that in fact, you should never invest proper time & money in acquiring the correct safety gear until your certain you will have an absolute need for it. ::)  LOL LOL LOL

Do you even have any idea what your agreeing to? I don't think so, but that’s no surprise to me.

Keep digging Spanky, keep digging.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #203 on: March 23, 2009, 12:22:05 PM »
Brilliant post Spanky.

Thanks Buddy ;D
I thought you'd like it.
I think the Fish was right on the money.
I wasn't speaking at all about boating... only your viewpoint. ;)
And where is that nag?? Did you get bucked off??
I hope you were wearing your safety gear... nagback riding can be dangerous don't ya know :o


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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #204 on: March 23, 2009, 12:43:48 PM »
Brilliant post Spanky.

Thanks Buddy ;D
I thought you'd like it.
I think the Fish was right on the money.
I wasn't speaking at all about boating... only your viewpoint. ;)
And where is that nag?? Did you get bucked off??
I hope you were wearing your safety gear... nagback riding can be dangerous don't ya know :o


Good try Spanky but as with Blowfish, you just can't rewrite history here. You have to finally make up  your mind and decide what aspect of what I wrote do you want to disagree with. This constant waffling is really getting ridiculous.

Even if I agree to let you now only use the "viewpoint" part of what Blowfish wrote, that then by default, means you agree with me on the my experience, expertise and knowledge of off-shore boating safety requirements. However, I will not allow you to walk away from the part that Blowfish said that my recommendations are based on 20/20 hind sight. Taking proper safety precautions is not 20/20 hind sight. That’s why they make safety gear, so you have it in case you do need it. So Blowfish’s point about my writings be 20/20 hind sight is proof positive that the guy has absolutely no inkling of what he’s talking about. It simply defies common sense and basic logic. That’s like the guy’s who’s house burnt down and he did not have insurance, accuses you of 20/20 hind sight because you told him he should have purchases insurance!

Be careful who you align yourself with Spanky. Blowfish is nothing more than a human boat anchor.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #205 on: March 23, 2009, 01:31:53 PM »
;D only 27 min. to reply, you really don't have a life. Get up outa that chair, go to the front door and have a look out there, that's where you will find a life.
Cabinboy, there is nothing that anyone can tell you, you know it all. You are the best you can be. Sad isn't it, when you think about it.
I gave you no details on my experience because I don't respect you, and you are not worthy of a real conversation on the subject, and I have been just sticking to calling out your poor character to all because you finally said more than I could take. My posts aren't really about the subject of boating safety, it's obvious that one can find a wealth of knowledge on-line for that topic, my posts are about you as a person of limited stature and poor moral judgement.
There are a few ways one could approach this tragedy. You have chosen to say these people deserved to die at sea, and look up every way they could have avoided the situation and profusely disrespected their lives while doing so.
On the fishing forums, where people who's lives are on the water, people have been sharing ways on how to survive when in a situation like that, all knowing that this could happen to anyone of us that venture out there. They all agree things could have been done differently, learned from it, and moved on, they know there are many other things that could have gotten those guys into the same predicament. Battery, bilge pump, de lamination, hull strike, wiring, rogue wave, even a spun prop, to just name a few. That's just a few for a vessel of that size and engine type.
Your small mind just wants to disgrace the dead, and try to look cool doing it, by posting all the new things you have learned about boating safety. You are the coolest dude out there. Now put your avatar back up of you on your high horse for all to see again.
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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #206 on: March 23, 2009, 02:49:19 PM »
;D only 27 min. to reply, you really don't have a life. Get up outa that chair, go to the front door and have a look out there, that's where you will find a life.
Cabinboy, there is nothing that anyone can tell you, you know it all. You are the best you can be. Sad isn't it, when you think about it.
I gave you no details on my experience because I don't respect you, and you are not worthy of a real conversation on the subject, and I have been just sticking to calling out your poor character to all because you finally said more than I could take. My posts aren't really about the subject of boating safety, it's obvious that one can find a wealth of knowledge on-line for that topic, my posts are about you as a person of limited stature and poor moral judgement.
There are a few ways one could approach this tragedy. You have chosen to say these people deserved to die at sea, and look up every way they could have avoided the situation and profusely disrespected their lives while doing so.
On the fishing forums, where people who's lives are on the water, people have been sharing ways on how to survive when in a situation like that, all knowing that this could happen to anyone of us that venture out there. They all agree things could have been done differently, learned from it, and moved on, they know there are many other things that could have gotten those guys into the same predicament. Battery, bilge pump, de lamination, hull strike, wiring, rogue wave, even a spun prop, to just name a few. That's just a few for a vessel of that size and engine type.
Your small mind just wants to disgrace the dead, and try to look cool doing it, by posting all the new things you have learned about boating safety. You are the coolest dude out there. Now put your avatar back up of you on your high horse for all to see again.


Unfortunately, you just can’t have it all ways, all the time. You made it very clear early on that efforts to identify the proper precautions that these boaters should have easily been able to take was akin to Monday morning QB work on my part. You professed that I had no knowledge of the required equipment that was available and, you even ridiculed the suggestions & specific equipment check list I provided.

It was not until after other experianced off shore boaters including 2 license masters that agreed with me, did you finally decide to change your criticism to simply attacking me for taking advantage of dead people. So what is the purpose of these last posts of yours? Is it to now agree with me only on the technical aspects? It must be because if its not, then your contradicting the other posters you claim to agree with, and they agree with me! Funny how some people, like your can wrap themselves in their own ill conceived illogical arguments. What are actually trying to accomplish by carrying on and changing your position?

You and Spanky should have a meeting and get your strategy straight once and for all. Really good liars usually do a really good job of making sure they don’t contradict themselves. If you’re going to continue to attack what I wrote, the least you could do is figure out what the heck you in fact wrote yourselves. The history here just is too much for you to overcome with all these new twists and turns hoping you can save face by changing the subject.

Sorry, Blowfish. But your story keeps changing and it does not hold water just like your imaginary boat and your alleged knowledge of off shore boating. If you actually do have any knowledge, why would you have kept it a secret all along? Sorry again, just way to convenient. ….LOL LOL.
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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #207 on: March 23, 2009, 03:09:44 PM »
You and Spanky should have a meeting and get your strategy straight once and for all. Really good liars usually do a really good job of making sure they don’t contradict themselves.

Read back through my posts... I didn't lie about anything.
I made 2 statements.

1. I said you are an idiot.
2. I said you are pissing on their graves.

Both are true statements as far as I'm concerned.

I never claimed to know or care anything about boating... because I don't.
I did actually agree with you on the fact that they were ill prepared.

You are showing those men absolutely no respect by constantly saying how stupid they were for being ill prepared.
For all any of us know... this could have been the first time on the water for some of them. They would not even have known what "properly prepared" is.
As I said before... they were ill prepared and it cost them their lives.
Do they deserve to be ridiculed and talked down for making a mistake?? I don't think so.
If they had it to do again... I'm sure things would be different.

There is nothing wrong with using tragedy as a learning tool as long as some respect is shown to the persons affected by the tragedy.

So as I stated before... I think you are an idiot and you are pissing on their graves.

There you go... Make your snide remark comeback and be done with it.



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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #208 on: March 23, 2009, 03:26:47 PM »
i  would like to  think  that if  you guys  ever  met  that you would fight over  who gets to buy the next round
when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
OBAMACARE....the biggest tax hike in the  history of mankind
free choice and equality  can't co-exist
AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

many statements made here are fiction and are for entertainment purposes only and are in no way to be construed as a description of actual events.
no one is encouraged to do anything dangerous or break any laws.

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Re: 3 lost at sea off the coast of Florida, 1 survives..
« Reply #209 on: March 23, 2009, 04:07:52 PM »
You and Spanky should have a meeting and get your strategy straight once and for all. Really good liars usually do a really good job of making sure they don’t contradict themselves.

Read back through my posts... I didn't lie about anything.
I made 2 statements.

1. I said you are an idiot.
2. I said you are pissing on their graves.

Both are true statements as far as I'm concerned.

I never claimed to know or care anything about boating... because I don't.
I did actually agree with you on the fact that they were ill prepared.

You are showing those men absolutely no respect by constantly saying how stupid they were for being ill prepared.
For all any of us know... this could have been the first time on the water for some of them. They would not even have known what "properly prepared" is.
As I said before... they were ill prepared and it cost them their lives.
Do they deserve to be ridiculed and talked down for making a mistake?? I don't think so.
If they had it to do again... I'm sure things would be different.

There is nothing wrong with using tragedy as a learning tool as long as some respect is shown to the persons affected by the tragedy.

So as I stated before... I think you are an idiot and you are pissing on their graves.

There you go... Make your snide remark comeback and be done with it.



Then you should immediately report this to GBO. Someone has your user ID and is posting here for you. Look at your post 211. Someone is trying to make it look like you are agreeing with Blowfish that the ability to take proper safety measures for off-shore boating is just "20/20 hind sight" on my part.  ::)

Then again on post 93, someone posted for you saying that “How many guys on here would have survived the same situation as those men lost their lives in.
Given the same gear, the same skill level, the same conditions, etc.
Well... Who would make it to shore.”

Then again on post 84 this person posting with your ID agreed with Myronman who professed no need to take precautions

The rest of your 8 or 9 posts your calling me in idiot. Those must be yours and the others are the person posting using your ID.

On the other points you made about me personally. I'm perfectly fine with you thinking I'm an idiot. 9 posts solely dedicated to calling me an idiot. If me calling attention to obvious missteps by grown men to take proper measures to protect themselves, means I'm an idiot in your eyes. I have no issue with that. If this is the only point you've tried to make here, I hope your proud of yourself. You have successfully diverted the discussion concerning how we avoid premature death for own personal maniacal self serving gain. This thread is 8 pages long and you admit to having no knowledge of off shore boating. Yet, after 10+ posts by you, your only value you admit you can add to this subject is to call me an idiot over and over again.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Let us know how it goes with finding out who’s posting using your user ID. ::)

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