I bought five of the 1908 Brazilian 7mm Mauser from Big 5 about a few years ago. Three were DWM (German) produced, and two were by Steyer (Austrian).
They varied in condition from almost unfired-like-new matching numbers with grease stains on metal and wood with handling dentsto good condition with-fingerprint rust and w/used, rusted bores and mismatched bolts. I kept the better condition ones alone, and ended up rebarreling and sporterizing the ones with rusted barrels.
Apparently they were held in military reserve warehouses for many years after the Brazilians adopted their locally produced FN FAL 7.62x51 semiautos. I did see and examine some absolutely MINT condition 1908 Brazilian mausers in a Canadian gun shop. They were so BEAUTIFUL, your eyes would have watered up just admiring them! Bright polished receivers, perfect crests, perfectly rust blued barrels, sling swivels, sights, and bolts. They would have done the cover of the Mauser 1898 reference books justice!
If I recall, the Big 5 guns were from Century Arms International, and were priced very reasonably for old-world craftsmanship mausers.