I agree with Bill - The Hornady unit looks rugged and it looks like it would do a quality job. The price is up there however. Some where in the $300 range. Sounds real pricey - but I have paid $100 for the RCBS Trim Mate and if you buy a quality powered trimmer it is in the $200 range or above . Add them up and you have the cost of the Hornady plus a few bucks. Hand cranking a trimmer gets real old, real fast. First you have to set it and then crank away. If you only have a few to do, and you do not count your time setting it up, they work. If you have a big job to do like trimming 500 cases in a session - I guarantee you you will be real tired of doing this by the time you reach 200 cases with another 300 looking at you in the face. If you have just 100 cases to do and they need a lot of trimming you are going to get sick of it real quick too - setting there while you are using it; thinking how you could make it easier. You say you do not do many cases at a time. I would almost guarantee you that at some point you are going to buy a large quantity of brass and set there trimming away wishing you had a powdered unit of some kind. If you can possibly afford the Hornady - get it. I am sure you will not regret it. If you get a powered unit, I will almost guarantee you will want a Trim Mate or some thing similar down the road and then you will have the same money in it plus. Or you could do like I have; save money here and there buying hand powdered tools or getting a hand powered unit with a drill attachment. In almost every case I have bought a hand powered tool to start with. While I was are running it; wishing I had spent my money on a good powered unit in the first place. In a few cases, I have basically tossed the first tool away and bought a powered unit to replace it. I have not regretted doing it. If I was smart and bought good powered units to start with, I would have money ahead in the long run. Good Luck and Good Shooting