If you remember back when government was out of control having their own bank, writing checks with no money, and generally doing what they are doing now, Newt was a key player in overthrowing that mess back then. I like Newt, always have, seems to me when he left, the republicans slid down the hill and started "reaching out" more often, voting with the other party, and of course now there is not any difference in the two parties that I can see. The Dems were more than glad to have the reps move toward them knowing it would make them meaningless, of course the dems have no intentions of working with them or anyone else of another party, they are out of control once again, the reps are dead, and should be dead after what they have done. I would like to see an independent party come up and leave both major parties in the dust. It's going to be hard to vote for a republican now, knowing they might try to "reach out" again....there is no reaching out in my book. It's seems rather stupid to meet a bad idea halfway...I feel better losing altogether and waiting it out. One thing is for sure...there are a whole lot of people who call themseleves democrats that are pretty embarrassed at their own right now, and a lot of independents that want something much different after seeing this mess.
I give one thing to the republicans when they were strong....they were the ONLY ones to attempt to balance the budget, and THEY had control over what the president would sign. Too bad it didn't last long.