I guess I have been very lucky, after my by pass they couldn’t get my cholesterol and triglycerides down to an acceptable level. My Cardiologist told me they were the highest he had ever seen (Cholesterol-485, Triglycerides-over 1100) I went through ever type of cholesterol lowering medication on the marker to no avail. He finally gave up and sent me to an Endocrinologist; this one is the type that likes to try everything imaginable before prescribing drugs. Through the use of niacin (4500 mg per day), garlic capsules (1000 mg per day), Vitamin C (1000mg per day), omega fish oil (3600 mg per day), diet and exercise my numbers are now Cho-145 and Tri 220, I also take a 5mg Crestor each day.
In order to gain the exposure to alternative medicines you may have to venture away from your cardiologist and seek the help of an Endocrinologist. They usually deal with diabetics, but if you can get one to take you I would bet they can help.
Don’t try to take these drugs unless you have seen a doctor, most people would be set on fire with a 100mg tablet of niacin, you have to start low and build up over a period of time. I now take 1500mg, three times a day, that ensures I get three meals a day. The reason for the caution, several years ago my wife got her medicine mixed up with mine, she took a 200mg niacin tablet, I had to take her to the emergency room.