So let's say the federal law is passed and local law enforcement and BATF get orders to start confiscating guns and they start in your town. Now we all know that the order can be given to the locals, troops, etc. and they will start and there would be a good month or two between the order being given and them stopping due to the law being reevaluated or said to be against the constitution. Kind of like hurricane katrina but on a much bigger scale. It ws illegal, but they did it anyway.
So, in these weeks they start coming door to door in a mans neighborhood and searching houses because they know who has what and so on. They come to a mans house who has a family and this man has already decided that he will not give up his guns without a fight. they knock on or knock down the door, this man resists and draws his own weapons, as to follow the, "they will have to pry it from my cold dead hands" saying and the "law"enforcement ends up killing this man. Because in the begining these"law"enforcement guys are going to be jacked up with the itchy trigger fingers. Yes, he might have taken a few with him but, in the end this man is dead, they got his guns, and now his family has no husband and father, the wife and children are essentially left on their own.
How can this situation be avoided or how could this situation been delt with differently but still up hold the, "YOU AINT GETTIN MY DAMN GUNS" attitude? The man is dead and his attitude has changed nothing except for the fact that he is dead and his family is on it's own, no revolution was started because of his actions, no mass backlash against law enforcement started. this man basically becomes a statistic to report years later. Men must be smarter than that, not to say anyone is not smart, this situation just needs to be thought about.
What say you??
I will repeat:
Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian and social duty of each individual. ... Continue steadfast and, with a proper sense of your dependence on God, nobly defend those rights which heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us."
John Hancock Today as we all add our thoughts and opinions here, our federal, state and local governments are in crystal clear violation of our civil liberties guaranteed under the constitution. Our government is breaking the law. The people in elected office that passed these laws should be in jail and those that enforce these laws are in violation of their oath of office or duty. They are the law breakers, not me.
And I will Add:
In a nation governed by the people themselves, the possession of arms to defend their nation against usurpers within and without was deemed absolutely necessary. This right is protected by the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution.
"One loves to possess arms, though they hope never to have occasion for them." --
Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 1796."No freeman shall be debarred the use of arms (within his own lands or tenements)." --
Thomas Jefferson: Draft Virginia Constitution 1776All I will say is look up the New Hampshire state slogan. It appears on each license plate.