Don't overlook buys at local gun shows, swap papers, yard sales, etc.
I don't do yard sales, but a buddy of mine is forever bringing over a box of "treasures' to share with me. Sometimes powder, primers, lead, dies, powder measures, trimmers. It's all available.
I grew up in a family that never threw anything away. It could always be rebuilt, or turned into something else.
A couple weeks ago, I was at a local gun show. One of the vendors had an old Pacific press that was getting looks of disbelief, but no offers. The 2nd time I looked at it, he said he had sold one the previous day for $20, but he'd take $5 for that one just to not have to carry it out again. The ram would move about 1/4" and lock up. It had both the large primer and small primer arms (I still use press mounted priming systems. After 50 years it still feels right to me) so I said I'd take it. You've maybe seen one - it's got the patent #1933940 on the right side and PACIFIC on the left side. It's a fairly heavy casting, but not as heavy as my old Herters Super 3. I took it apart (tapped the ram out with a block and a brass hammer) and gave everything a good going over with steel wool. After oiling, I reassembled and - the ram works flawlessly. It is a #250Ram and it's shellholder not only fits the 30-06 based family of cases, but also the 38Spcl cases. Never saw one like this. For $16, I bought a Universal Ram on the 'net, which accepts the RCBS line of shellholders. Sure the press is older than I am, but it is fully functional. I ran a batch of 30-06's, just for kicks, and it sized them as easily as the old Herters press does. Now I can be progressive. Put the sizing die in one press and the seating die in the other. My point being; for $21, it's as good as any "new" single-stage press for what you want to do with it. It probably would not handle magnum rifle cases for full-length sizing, but I am going to try some 7mm Remington Magnums in it as soon as I get the proper shellholder. It has enough space to run the cases, and I think a good lube will allow it to happen.
Anything you need, including complete reloading outfits, can be found in the daily papers and shopping guides and swap papers - mostly at really cheap prices as compared to full retail. Gives you more money to spend on primers and powder and bullets. Then, you can keep your eye out for a casting outfit.......