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Re: woodworkers?
« Reply #30 on: March 23, 2009, 01:26:24 PM »
I've been a cabinetmaker for 25 years. About 12 years ago I got out of residential custom work and started building booths for trade shows. Cabinet work got to be building boxes all day with some occassional custom peices. trade shows are all custom, every job is different from the last one. It's very challenging at times and so it is very rewarding at times.

that being said the bottom is falling out of the tradeshow business. Even the bigger accounts are cutting back. This year should be very interesting.

If you want to keep it outdoors related maybe a custom range cart that will hold a couple of rifles and supplies. I also liked the reloading bench idea.

I've never been much of a knick-knack guy.




Offline Dirt Bag

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Re: woodworkers?
« Reply #31 on: April 13, 2009, 07:46:04 AM »
       Didn't realize there was a woodworking forum here - Saw that yourself and Mirage had posted. Had to check it out. Way cool. Have tried all sorts of woodworking myself. Right before we started getting serious with the gunstock making, the last big project was a tool box to keep all my "junk" in. Wanted something like a machinist's box only bigger. The plan was to be traditional oak and green felt lining. OL says "Why not walnut and burgandy felt?" I told her no, ya don't mess with tradition, then got to thinking about it, and yeah walnut would be pretty. So we started designing and drawing up plans, and a year or so later, here's what we ended up with. You can't imagine just how many pieces are in one of these things. Drawer boxes are birch and ride on hard maple runners. She did all of the padding and lining - got the felt at a pool table place. The handles, she found out east (made in England), and we polished every piece of hardware after it was fitted. Danish oil and beeswax. Started to draw up a cabinet to go under it - maybe someday.
   Have tried the decoy carving too, and will get a picture sometime. Really good seeing a couple of you guys from the biker forum here - and woodworkers to boot.

   Ol' Greybeard's got a good thing goin here - but  Amigo Will told me that a long time ago.
                                          Have a good one;


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Re: woodworkers?
« Reply #32 on: April 13, 2009, 09:10:53 AM »
Nice, I like the raised panels on the sides.

I had a bug to do the same thing at one time. Never got around to it though. I just bought a craftsman rolling tool box and figured that would do.

the red does look good with the walnut.




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Re: woodworkers?
« Reply #33 on: April 13, 2009, 09:37:33 AM »
I applaud every one of you that can take business away from Chinese made  goods and the Stores that push it.

It took me three days and more money to find a trailer hitch ball that was NOT made in China, but I got one. ;D
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Re: woodworkers?
« Reply #34 on: April 13, 2009, 10:31:01 AM »
One we started and still haven't finished - getting harder to see the tip of the brush.

Any other carvers??

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Re: woodworkers?
« Reply #35 on: April 13, 2009, 10:54:06 AM »
Nice work dirtbag-

Are the wing tips carved from the solid blank?  I always had trouble when I tried to do that because of the grain, always seemed to break when they got too thin. I will take some pics when I get over to my folks, I have a couple of mine there.

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Re: woodworkers?
« Reply #36 on: April 13, 2009, 11:31:07 AM »
          The inlays, primaries and tertials are basswood (8 total) - way stronger than the jelutong (sic) and after they were shaped and fitted we soaked them down with super glue. Then when you burn the texture into them, the fumes make your eyes water. We always tried to carve an arch into them - that also helped strengthen them. That starting with a blank ' bout a quarter inch thick and working them down to where you could see light through them.
P.S.   Boxer pups??

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Re: woodworkers?
« Reply #37 on: April 13, 2009, 12:18:02 PM »
Yes on the boxers. They went to their new homes last weekend :(


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Re: woodworkers?
« Reply #38 on: April 13, 2009, 12:24:57 PM »
Yes on the boxers. They went to their new homes last weekend :(

that  is  always  a happy  time  and  sad  as  well

i  hope they  get  good  homes  and  you  made  good$$$$$$$$$$$
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Re: woodworkers?
« Reply #39 on: April 13, 2009, 02:55:08 PM »
the last big project was a tool box to keep all my "junk"

Beautiful work!   :o  I think making a box like that is one of the hardest things there is to do!

Amigo Will told me that a long time ago.

I miss the boy!   :(  Have you heard from him?   :-\
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Re: woodworkers?
« Reply #40 on: April 13, 2009, 03:40:46 PM »
Now, that is one super tool box. I have been thinking about making one for over a year now, but haven't started yet. maybe someday. Carl L.

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Re: woodworkers?
« Reply #41 on: April 14, 2009, 12:25:54 AM »
Mornin' 'Law;
        Getting the drawer boxes fitted and sliding smooth was tough - spotted them in with chalk - each one numbered to it's set of rails. They really are smooth though, even the ones that are loaded heavy. Beeswax on the rails. OL and I collect antique tools - used many of the old molding and plow planes on this project, and they worked just as good as they did a century prior. For me, the gunstock making has been the toughest woodworking yet - It will humble ya.
      Heard form Amigo last the day he left - not since. He'll check in one of these days. Said to keep an eye out for him on the Alaska hunting forum.

Offline Gerry N.

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Re: woodworkers?
« Reply #42 on: April 17, 2009, 12:29:53 AM »
I'm a retired boat builder.  Several years ago I made and sold 350 tile and wood trivets.  I made the frames out of oak ,  rabbeted to hold a 6x6 tile.  It's tough to describe, but I made the frames so the butt joints chased themselves around so I only had to make one part.  The tile was from a paint and home decor store, I dickered a deal for remnants and odd lots,  I drilled and screwed 'em together with #6x1 5/8 sheet rock screws.  I cut my own plugs.   The trivets cost me 46 cents finished, I sold 'em for $4.50.   My best sales were at Christmas bazaars.  I went to two and at the second a woman who had a craft store bought 175 of 'em for her store, she paid my retail price, $4.50 and marked 'em up to 7or 8 bucks and sold the lot in two weeks.  Another good seller is animal shapes bandsawed out of 2" sugar pine.  Little ducks, bunnies, dinosaurs, kitties, any simple easily recognised shape.  I drilled eight holes in them for crayons to stand in.  Sold those for $3.00.  I got fifty or so out of an 8' 2x10  Another good seller was a little pine toy tool box 12" long, 6" wide, 2 1/2" deep with tall ends and a 3/4" dowel handle.  I screwed these together so kids couldn't knock 'em apart.  For toys I never  liked using finish nails or air staples, too much danger of coming apart.  Another real good seller was a little stool for kids.  teh top was 12" long 7 1/2 wide with a leg on each end and a stretcher between They were 6' tall.  I cut a half circle out of th ebottom of the leg to make four feet for the stool to stand on and routed a hand hole in the top.  I cut the hand hole with a  hand router and bullnosed everything 1/4" with a laminate trimmer set upside down in a formica covered table top.  I don't like raw corners for kid's toys.  I sold the stools for $8.  This was fifteen years ago, prices would likely have doubled by now.  I see similar things at places like Michael's Craft stores for twice the prices I was charging and I wouldn't use that crap for firewood.  Bad joints, finish nails and splinters all over the place.

The toy tool box was a favorite, my wife put a little  kit of a  Dixon "fat" pencil, ruler, protractor, 5x8 scratch pad, rubber eraser and a little water color painting kit she found at an educational toy store, the entire kit cost us less than $2.  I offered the box alone for $6 or $9.50 with the two dollar "tool pack" in it,  I sold five of the tool pack boxes for every plain one.  At the end of the season I gave any stuff I had left to the Salvation Army taking a 50% of retail deduction from my income tax.  I got my template for the "Crayon Critters" from a toddler's coloring book.    I used sugar pine for all my toys because it has short weak splinters and it tastes good.

Gerry N.

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Re: woodworkers?
« Reply #43 on: April 27, 2009, 05:27:46 PM »
Build gun racks. You would likly have plenty of buyers right here. If someone built a quality vertical rack like this with a locking mechinisam on it, I would be a potential buyer. I'm in the market for one that can hold about 30 long guns. If that means buying 3 that hold 10 each, that will work.

I ordered one of these in a 14 gun version with a full length attached storage compartment today from a company in Texas. They are the only place I could find in the country that make these to order. You pick the type of wood and finish, they hand build and ship.

I think you wood workers could sell many of these. There’s only 3 places in the country that make vertical gun racks.

What (if you don't mind) have to give for it with shipping? Thanks Dale

$365 delivered. Made of solid oak with med stain and 2 coats varnish (the type that gun oil won't mess up). They offer 28 speciies of wood and variuous stains. I went with the economical oak. Pine was  less but the oak will match some of the other stuff I have. Here's a link to the actual place.

Received the oak gun rack I ordered and finally got around to hanging it on the wall. Here are a few pics of it. I just have to finish off some of the trim work on the base molding and a few other things like adding a light in the ceiling to really throw some light on the alcove area. Then, hang a few more of my favorite decorative items around it and it will be done.
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Re: woodworkers?
« Reply #44 on: April 28, 2009, 04:35:48 AM »
hope   you reinforced  the floor  under  you gun collection
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Re: woodworkers?
« Reply #45 on: November 16, 2009, 08:33:36 AM »
Dirtbag, would you consider sellin' a copy of your toolbox plans?  That looks like somethin' I could sure use.
Thanks for the stump

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Re: woodworkers?
« Reply #46 on: November 23, 2009, 02:30:09 AM »

     Mornin Stall'
  Here's what the "plans" look like --- just several pages of notes and drawings and math. None of it in any certain order. Not the way it ought to be done, but works for us. If you think you could decipgher any of it, we would gladly try to make copies and send them your way. Plenty of it was measure and design as you go. Didn't intend to ever duplicate it.
                                                        Have a good one;

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Re: woodworkers?
« Reply #47 on: November 23, 2009, 07:00:11 AM »
Dirt Bag, sent you an email.
Thanks for the stump

The older I get, the better I was.

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Re: woodworkers?
« Reply #48 on: November 23, 2009, 07:58:01 AM »
Got it Stall'..... and replied.

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Re: woodworkers?
« Reply #49 on: December 23, 2009, 06:56:54 PM »
We have a local hardware store that puts stuff out on consignment. Local guy built some picnic tables, and they set them up, no money out of pocket for them, builder bought the lumber from them, and when one of them sold, everybodies happy. gypsymsn
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