Shootall, you are right about perks. In my company, the CEO, Pres, etc, get a maximum of about $200,000 salary because of taxes. If the company does well, they get a bonus, but it is in stock. The stock is usually put into a retirement account. Most retire between 55 and 60 depending on how much stock they have. Bonuses if cash are usually paid on the basis of how the a company has done and this is on top of their salary. If a person makes above about $200,000-$250,000 they have to pay about 45% I think in Federal tax not counting state tax. So thus the bonus. Most of the time the big dogs don't get into that possition until their 40's and 50's anyway so they earn a lot in a short time, 10 years or so, then they retire early, unless they own the company.